Nursing research a qualitative perspective /

Other Authors: Munhall, Patricia L.
Format: Book
Language: English
Published: Sudbury, MA : Jones & Bartlett Learning, [2012]
Physical Description: xxvi, 604 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.
Edition: 5th ed.
Item Description: Includes bibliographical references and index.
pt. I. The qualitative perspective. 1. The landscape of qualitative research in nursing / Patricia L. Munhall : The irreducible you ; The irreducible whole ; The situated context ; Broadening the landscape ; Seeking truth ; Other disciplines' methods ; The sands of science ; The problem with generalizations ; Putting this "thus far" together qualitatively ; Understanding the other: the third ear ; Underpinning qualitative research ; A cautionary tale ; Postscript ; References ; Additional resources -- 2. Language and nursing research: the evolution / Patricia L. Munhall : Language and lived experience ; Language as points of contact ; The context of nursing research ; Transition in worldviews of nursing ; Early preparation of nurse researchers ; Deduction and derivation from theories: from then to now ; A transition: nursing worldviews, nursing researchers, and theory development ; Language and comprehensibility ; Summary ; References ; Additional resources ; Endnotes -- 3. Epistemology in nursing / Patricia L. Munhall : Paths to knowledge ; Purpose of science ; Paradigms and research traditions ; Epistemological interests of nursing ; Epistemological commitments to qualitative research ; An epistemological circle: circle and re-circle ; What I did not know ; Calling generalizations into question ; Summary ; References ; Additional resources ; Endnotes -- 4. Postmodern philosophy and qualitative research / Joy Longo and Lynne M. Dunphy : Postmodernism ; Critical social theory ; Feminist approaches as part of the postmodern enterprise ; An emancipatory agenda for healthcare delivery ; Applying postmodern philosophies to research ; References --
pt. II. Qualitative methods and exemplars. 5. A phenomenological method / Patricia L. Munhall : To think phenomenologically ; Researching a phenomenologic method ; Phenomenological research immersion ; How to accomplish the step of immersion in an actual study ; Researcher in interaction ; Our hope for understanding ; References ; Additional resources ; Endnotes -- 6. Exemplar: In the eye of the storm: a phenomenological inquiry of the parallel experience of victims of Katrina and nurses who cared for them: exemplar of linguistic transformation in phenomenology and exemplar of longitudinal phenomenology / Sarah Steen Lauterbach and Deborah L. Frank : Thematic findings by Frank and Sullivan ; Retrospective reflection on findings ; Linguistic narrative construction ; Discussion ; Epilogue ; Summary and reflection on practice ; References -- 7. Exemplar: Grief interrupted: the experience of loss among incarcerated women / Holly M. Harner, Patricia Hentz, and Maria Carmela Evangelista : Evolution of the study ; Justification and significance ; Review of the literature ; Loss and grief among incarcerated women ; Phenomenological perspective ; Methods ; Data analysis ; Findings ; Discussion ; Acknowledgments ; Author's note ; Declaration of conflicting interest ; Finding ; References -- 8. Grounded theory: the method / Judith Wuest : Grounded theory: the method ; Philosophical underpinning of grounded theory ; Grounded theory approach ; Where does grounded theory fit in the paradigm debate? ; Final words ; References ; Endnotes -- 9. Exemplar: Teetering on the edge: a second grounded theory modification / Cheryl Tatano Beck : Background ; Research design ; Results of the second modification ; Discussion ; Summarizing ; References ; Endnotes -- 10. Ethnography: the method / Zane Robinson Wolf : Traditional ethnography ; Disrupted ethnography ; Purposes and research questions ; Ethnographic methods ; Analysis ; Interpretation ; Findings of ethnographic studies ; Rigor, or scientific adequacy, or ethnographies ; Reflexivity ; Conclusion ; References -- 11. Exemplar: War stories: frontline reports of the daily experiences of low-income, urban, black mothers / Roberta Cricco-Lizza : Background ; Method ; Findings ; Discussion ; Conclusion and implications ; References ; Endnotes -- 12. Case study: the method / Patricia Hentz : Case study research: what it is and what it is not ; Characteristics of qualitative case study research ; Points of interest: intrinsic, instrumental, and multiple case study ; Five types of single case study designs ; Multiple case study design ; Case study designs: descriptive, exploratory, explanatory ; Qualitative case study research: components of the research design ; Conclusion ; References -- 13. Exemplar: The body grieves / Patricia Hentz : Phenomenological perspective ; Evolution of the study ; Justification of the study ; Review of the literature ; Method ; Ethical considerations ; Remembering my mother: the body grieves ; Body memory: relived as lived ; Conclusion ; References -- 14. Historical research / Karen Saucier Lundy : Definition of terms ; Stages in historical research design ; Types of historical research ; Reliability and validity ; Data analysis ; Standards for evaluating historical research ; Future trends in historical research ; Summary ; References ; Resources -- 15. History exemplar: More than good kind angels: exploring the value of nursing service / Marcella M. Rutherford : Method ; The story of the arrival of the Daughters of Charity in Jacksonville ; Themes identified in the sisters' story ; Research findings ; Conclusion ; References -- 16. Narrative inquiry: the method / Maureen Duffy : Questions as sources of data and analysis ; Can there be a life without a story? ; The structure of narrative ; Steps in the narrative research process ; Concluding comments ; References -- 17. Exemplar: Narrative analysis: the effects on student learning / Paul Gallant : Introduction to narrative and narrative research ; Why this research is important ; Research question(s) ; Research design ; Research method ; Implications ; References -- 18. Action research: the methodologies / Ronald J. Chenail ... [et al.] : The family of action research methodologies ; Working inside and outside of traditional qualitative parameters ; Phases of action research ; Evaluating action research ; Challenges ; References -- 19. Exemplar: "I've waited for something like this all my life": PAR and persons with intellectual disabilities / Rita M. Valade : The PAR experience ; Initial design ; Phase one ; Transition between phase one and phase two ; Phase two ; The group and our action ; Conclusion ; References ; Endnotes --
pt. III. Internal and external considerations in qualitative research. 20. Ethical considerations in qualitative research / Patricia L. Munhall : Underlying assumptions and dilemmas ; Ethical aims and means ; Therapeutic versus research imperative ; Is being a collaborator a means to an end? ; Informed consent in qualitative research ; Process consent ; Secrets ; Findings and publication ; Conflict methodology ; Models of fieldwork ; Summary remarks ; References ; Resources ; Endnotes -- 21. Institutional review of the qualitative research proposals: a task of no small consequence / Patricia L. Munhall : Placing the task in context ; The setting ; The challenges ; Meeting the challenges ; Similarities between qualitative and quantitative proposals ; Presenting to the IRB ; Conclusion ; References ; Resources ; Endnotes -- 22. Evaluation of qualitative research / Marlene C. Mackey : Early evaluation criteria ; Later evaluation criteria ; Revising/emerging evaluation criteria ; Evaluation criteria for phenomenological research ; Evaluation criteria for grounded theory research ; EPICURE: an evaluation agenda ; Application of qualitative health research ; Metasynthesis for evidence-based practice ; Conclusions ; References -- 23. Evidence-based nursing and qualitative research: a partnership imperative for real-world practice / Patti Rager Zuzelo : EBN and qualitative research: fundamental issues and concerns ; Why use qualitative methods for evidence-based practice ; The shortcomings of EBP: lack of standardization and a positivistic stance ; How does the evidence debate affect real-world practice? ; The barriers to including qualitative study findings in EBN efforts ; The contributions of qualitative approaches to EBN ; Conclusion ; References -- 24. Simultaneous and sequential qualitative mixed-method designs / Janice M. Morse : Simultaneous and sequential qualitative mixed-method designs ; What is a mixed-method design? ; What are the characteristics of a QUAL-qual mixed-method design? ; Within-paradigm data/analytic incompatibilities ; QUAL+/₂qual mixed-method designs ; Methodological issues for qualitative mixed-method designs ; Contextualizing qualitatively driven designs ; Conclusions ; References ; Endnotes -- 25. Combining qualitative and quantitative methods for mixed-method designs / Janice M. Morse and Linda Niehaus : Terminology and considerations for conducting mixed-method research ; Process of conducting mixed-method research ; Discussion ; References ; Endnotes -- Epilogue: In coming to an open closing / Patricia L. Munhall.
Physical Description: xxvi, 604 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.
Bibliography: Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN: 9780763785154