The Norton anthology of poetry

Offers representative selections from the works of major British and American poets, from modernized medieval texts to contemporary verse.

Other Authors: Ferguson, Margaret W., 1948-, Salter, Mary Jo., Stallworthy, Jon.
Format: Book
Language: English
Published: New York : Norton, [2005]
Physical Description: xlv, 1376 pages ; 23 cm.
Edition: Shorter 5th ed.
Summary: Offers representative selections from the works of major British and American poets, from modernized medieval texts to contemporary verse.
Item Description: Includes bibliographical references and index.
Caedmon's hymn -- From Beowulf -- The seafarer -- Anonymous lyrics of the 12th and 14th centuries -- Chaucer -- William Langland -- Pearl -- William Dunbar -- John Skelton -- Thomas Wyatt -- Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey -- Anne Askew -- Queen Elizabeth I -- George Gasciogne -- Isabella Whitney -- Chdiock Tichborne -- Sir Walter Raleigh -- Edmund Spenser -- John Lyly -- Sir Philip Sidney -- Robert Southwell -- Mary Sidney -- Samuel Daniel -- Michael Drayton -- Christopher Marlowe -- William Shakespeare (Sonnets and songs from the plays, and The phoenix and the turtle) --Thomas Campion -- Thomas Nashe -- Aemilia Lanyer -- John Donne -- Ben Jonson -- Mary Wroth -- Robert Herrick -- Henry King -- George Herbert -- Thomas Carew -- Edmund Waller -- John Milton -- Sir John Suckling -- Anne Bradstreet -- Richard Crashaw -- Richard Lovelace -- Andrew Marvell -- Henry Vaughan -- Margaret Cavendish -- John Dryden -- Katherine Philips -- Thomas Traherne -- Edward Taylor -- Aphra Behn -- John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester -- Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea -- Jonathan Swift -- Isaac Watts -- John Gay -- Alexander Pope -- Lady Mary Wortley Montagu -- James Thomson -- Samuel Johnson -- Thomas Gray -- William Collins -- Christopher Smart -- Jean Elliot -- Oliver Goldsmith -- William Cowper -- Anna Laetitia Barbauld -- Charlotte Smith -- Phillis Wheatley -- Robert Burns -- William Wordsworth -- Samuel Taylor Coleridge -- Walter Savage Landor -- George Gordon, Lord Byron -- Percy Bysshe Shelley -- John Clare -- Felicia Dorothea Hemans -- Ralph Waldo Emerson -- Elizabeth Barrett Browning -- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -- Edward Fitzgerald -- Oliver Wendell Holmes -- Edgar Allan Poe -- Alfred, Lord Tennyson -- Robert Browning -- Emily Bronte -- Arthur Hugh Clough -- Julia Ward Howe -- Herman Melville -- Walt Whitman -- Matthew Arnold.
Dante Gabriel Rossetti -- George Meredith -- Emily Dickinson -- Christina Rosetti -- Lewis Carroll -- W.S. Gilbert -- Algernon Charles Swinburne -- Thomas Hardy -- Sidney Lanier -- Gerard Manley Hopkins -- A.E. Housman -- Rudyard Kipling -- William Butler Yeats -- Edwin Arlington Robinson -- Charlotte Mew -- Stephen Crane -- Paul Laurence Dunbar -- Robert Frost -- Amy Lowell -- Gertrude Stein -- Edward Thomas -- Wallace Stevens -- E.J. Pratt -- William Carlos Williams -- D.H. Lawrence -- Ezra Pound -- H.D. (Hilda Doolittle) -- Siegfried Sassoon -- Robinson Jeffers -- Marianne Moore -- T.S. Eliot o-- John Crowe Ransom -- Isaac Rosenberg -- Hugh MacDiarmid -- Archibald MacLeish -- Edna St. Vincent Millay -- Wilfred Owen -- E.E. Cummings -- Jean Toomer -- Robert Graves -- Louise Bogan -- Hart Crane -- Laura (Riding) Jackson -- Sterling A. Brown -- Langston Hughes -- Roy Campbell -- Stevie Smith -- Countee Cullen -- Earle Birney -- C. Day Lewis -- Patrick Kavanagh -- Stanley Kunitz -- Robert Penn Warren -- William Empson -- W.H. Auden -- A.D. Hope -- Louis MacNeice -- Theodore Roethke -- Richard Wright -- Malcolm Lowry -- Elizabeth Bishop -- Irving Layton -- Robert Hayden -- Muriel Rukeyser -- May Swenson -- R.S. Thomas -- John Berryman -- Randall Jarrell -- Weldon Kees -- Henry Reed -- Dylan Thomas -- Judith Wright.
David Gascoyne -- Gwendolyn Brooks -- Robert Lowell -- Amy Clampitt -- Keith Douglas -- Howard Nemerov -- Mona Van Duyn -- Richard Wilbur -- Philip Larkin -- James Dickey -- Anthony Hecht -- Denise Levertov -- Donald Justice -- Carolyn Kizer -- Kenneth Koch -- A.R. Ammons -- James K. Baxter -- Robert Creeley -- Allen Ginsberg -- James Merrill -- Frank O'Hara -- W.D. Snodgrass -- John Ashbery -- Galway Kinnell -- W.S. Merwin -- Charles Tomlinson -- James Wright -- Donald Hall -- Philip Levine -- Anne Sexton o-- L.E. Sissman -- Thom Gunn -- John Hollander -- Richard Howard -- Peter Porter -- Adrienne Rich -- Edward Kamau Brathwaite -- Ted Hughes -- Gary Snyder -- Derek Walcott -- Alan Brownjohn -- Jay MacPherson o-- Geoffrey Hill -- Sylvia Plath -- Anne Stevenson -- Amiri Baraka -- Audre Lorde -- N. Scott Momaday -- Wole Soyinka -- Mark Strand -- Charles Wright -- Daryl Hine -- C.K. Williams -- Tony Harrison -- Les Murray -- Charles Smic -- Margaret Atwood -- Seamus Heaney -- Robert Pinsky -- Billy Collins -- Robert Hass -- Derek Mahon -- Eric Ormsby -- Alfred Corn -- Louise Gluck -- Michael Ondaatje -- Michael Palmer -- Eavan Boland -- Craig Raine -- Yusef Komunyakaa -- Robyn Sarah -- Agha Shahid Ali -- James Fenton o-- Charles Bernstein -- Dana Gioia -- Jorie Graham -- Paul Muldoon -- Rita Dove -- Daniel Hall -- Vikram Seth -- Gary Soto -- Gjertrud Schnackenberg -- Louise Erdrich -- Carol Ann Duffy -- Li-Young Lee -- Cynthia Zarin -- Simon Armitage -- Greg Wiliamson -- Versification: rhythm, meter, rhyme, forms (composite, irregular, free verse) -- Poetic syntax.
Offers representative selections from the works of major British and American poets, from modernized medieval texts to contemporary verse.
Physical Description: xlv, 1376 pages ; 23 cm.
Bibliography: Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN: 0393979210