Kansas 26 Colorado 25 New Mexico 22 Texas 22 Utah 15 Paradox Formation 10 West Virginia 10 Kentucky 9 Alaska 8 United States 8 Brown County 7 Coleman County 6 Oklahoma 6 Arkansas 5 Minturn Formation (Colo.) 5 Montana 5 Ohio 5 Brooks Range 4 California 4 Eagle County 4 Idaho 4 Manzano Mountains 4 Nevada 4 Wyoming 4 Appalachian Region 3 Arizona 3 Bernalillo County 3 Missouri 3 Pennsylvania 3 Powder River Watershed (Wyo. and Mont.) 3 Sandoval County 3 Virginia 3 Alaska Range 2 Argus Range Region 2 Breathitt Formation (Ky. and Tenn.) 2 Brown County (Tex.) 2 Clark County 2 Coleman County (Tex.) 2 Cutler Group 2 Denver Basin 2 Eagle Valley Formation (Colo.) 2 East Tintic Mountains 2 Geauga County 2 Honaker Trail Formation 2 Illinois 2 Inyo Mountains 2 Kent County 2 Lawrence County 2 Nebraska 2 Nye County 2 Oregon, Central 2 Paradox Basin 2 Piceance Creek Basin 2 Piceance Creek Basin (Colo.) 2 Portage County 2 San Miguel County 2 Sangre de Cristo Mountains (Colo. and N.M.) 2 Santa Fe County 2 Scurry County 2 Searcy County 2 Sierra County 2 Tendoy Mountains 2 Torrance County 2 Uinta Basin (Utah and Colo.) 2 Valencia County 2 Wahoo Limestone (Alaska) 2 Washington County 2 Washington Region 2 West Canyon Limestone (Utah) 2 Appalachian Basin 1 Bannock Peak Limestone (Idaho) 1 Belden Formation (Colo.) 1 Big Hatchet Peak Region 1 Black Warrior Basin (Ala. and Miss.) 1 Brazos River Valley 1 Burnet County 1 California, Southern 1 Colorado Plateau 1 Crawford County 1 Custer County 1 Eagle River Watershed 1 Fort Smith Region 1 Franklin Mountains (Tex. and N.M.) 1 Grand Canyon 1 Grand Canyon Region 1 Grant County 1 Hermosa Mountain (Colo.) 1 Illinois Basin 1 Iowa 1 Kent County (Tex.) 1 La Plata County 1 Lake Point Limestone (Utah) 1 Laramie Mountains (Wyo. and Colo.) 1 Laramie Range 1 Maroon Formation (Colo.) 1 Mazon River Watershed 1 Michigan 1 Michigan Basin (Mich. and Ont.) 1 Middle West 1 Nacimiento Mountains 1