Alaska 30 Colorado 29 Utah 26 New Mexico 22 Morrison Formation 20 West (U.S.) 16 Oregon 10 San Juan Basin (N.M. and Colo.) 10 California 8 Colorado Plateau 8 Montana 7 Wyoming 7 Idaho 6 United States 6 Talkeetna Mountains 5 Arizona 4 Cook Inlet Region 4 Powder River Basin (Wyo. and Mont.) 4 Saudi Arabia 4 Lisburne, Cape 3 Navajo Indian Reservation 3 Nevada 3 San Miguel County 3 Wanakah Formation 3 Antarctica 2 Arapien Shale (Utah) 2 Barboursville Basin 2 Bighorn Mountains (Wyo. and Mont.) 2 China 2 Cuba 2 Culpeper Basin (Va. and Md.) 2 Cutler Formation 2 Dinosaur National Monument (Colo. and Utah) 2 Gallup 2 Great Plains 2 Gulf Coast (U.S.) 2 Gulf States 2 Kansas 2 Mississippi 2 Navajo Sandstone 2 North America 2 Pensacola Mountains 2 Powder River Watershed (Wyo. and Mont.) 2 San Juan County 2 Sandoval County 2 Sierra Nevada (Calif. and Nev.) 2 Southern States 2 Southwestern States 2 Stone County 2 Texas 2 Virginia 2 Alaska Peninsula (Alaska) 1 Ambrosia Lake (Lake) 1 Ambrosia Lake Region 1 Baltimore 1 Barents Sea 1 Bighorn Basin (Mont. and Wyo.) 1 Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park Region 1 Boulder District 1 Brooks Range 1 Canada 1 Cook Inlet (Alaska) 1 Diablo Range 1 Dolores County 1 Durango Region 1 Entrada Sandstone 1 Garfield Co 1 Germany 1 Grand County 1 Grant County 1 Grants Region 1 Haynesville Shale 1 Hebei Sheng 1 Inner Mongolia 1 Iraq 1 Jackson Hole 1 Jura Mountains (France and Switzerland) 1 Kane Co 1 Laramie Basin 1 Liaoning Sheng 1 Maryland 1 McKinley County 1 Mexico 1 Mexico, Gulf of 1 Michigan 1 Mississippi River Delta (La.) 1 Missouri 1 Mongolia 1 Montezuma County 1 Montrose County 1 Mu Us Desert (China) 1 National Petroleum Reserve 1 New Jersey 1 Newark Basin 1 Northern Hemisphere 1 Ordos Desert 1 Ouray Region 1 Pacific Coast (U.S.) 1 Persian Gulf 1 Placerville Region 1