Z - Books and Writing 1,007 LC - Social Aspects of Education 288 E - United States History 93 PS - American Literature 69 ZA - Information Resources 65 PN - General Literature 55 PR - English Literature 49 HE - Transportation and Communications 31 C - General History 28 QE - Geology 27 HQ - Family, Marriage, Women 19 D - General History 17 HD - Industries, Land Use, Labor 17 J - General Legislature 17 DS - Asia 16 L - General Education 13 TN - Mining Engineering and Metallurgy 11 GV - Leisure and Recreation 10 F - General American History 9 GB - Physical Geography 8 HF - Commerce 7 LB - Theory and Practice of Education 7 BL - Religions, Mythology, Rationalism 6 HV - Social Pathology, Criminology 6 JZ - International Relations 6 N - Visual Arts 6 P - Philology and Linguistics 6 B - Philosophy 5 BF - Psychology 5 JK - United States 5 ND - Painting 5 BR - Christianity 4 BX - Christian Denominations 4 CT - Biography 4 G - General Geography 4 HX - Socialism, Communism, Anarchism 4 R - General Medicine 4 RC - Internal Medicine 4 AE - Encyclopedias 3 DA - Great Britain 3 DC - France, Andorra, Monaco 3 DT - Africa 3 GA - Mathematical Geography and Cartography 3 PL - Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania 3 PQ - French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese Literature 3 RA - Public Medicine 3 UB - Military Administration 3 BS - The Bible 2 CD - Diplomatics, Archives, Seals 2 DK - Russia, Soviet Union, Former Soviet Republics, Poland 2 GN - Anthropology 2 HC - Economic History and Conditions 2 HM - Sociology 2 HN - Social History and Conditions 2 JA - Political Science 2 NK - Decorative Arts 2 PA - Latin and Greek 2 PC - Romanic Languages 2 PE - English Languages 2 PG - Slavic, Baltic, Abanian Languages 2 QH - Natural History and Biology 2 QK - Botany 2 QL - Zoology 2 RG - Gynecology and Obstetrics 2 TH - Building Construction 2 UA - Armies 2 VA - Navies 2 AS - Academies 1 BH - Aesthetics 1 BM - Judaism 1 BQ - Buddhism 1 CC - Archaeology 1 CR - Heraldry 1 CS - Genealogy 1 DD - Germany 1 DG - Italy, Malta 1 GR - Folklore 1 HA - Statistics 1 HB - Economic Theory and Demography 1 HT - Communities, Classes, Races 1 JC - Political Theory 1 JF - Public Administration 1 JS - Local and Municipal Government 1 K - General Law 1 LA - History of Education 1 NB - Sculpture 1 NC - Drawing, Design, Illustration 1 PB - Modern and Celtic Languages 1 PM - Hyperborean, Indian, and Artificial Languages 1 Q - General Science 1 QB - Astronomy 1 QC - Physics 1 RJ - Pediatrics 1 RT - Nursing 1 S - General Agriculture 1 SB - Plant Culture 1 SF - Animal Culture 1 SK - Hunting Sports 1 T - General Technology 1 TC - Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering 1