TD - Environmental Technology 2,448 TN - Mining Engineering and Metallurgy 1,959 T - General Technology 1,835 TL - Motor Vehicles and Aeronautics 1,183 TK - Electrical and Nuclear Engineering 1,132 TX - Home Economics 1,117 QE - Geology 694 TA - General and Civil Engineering 522 TR - Photography 503 TT - Arts and Crafts 454 TJ - Mechanical Engineering and Machinery 403 TS - Manufactures 403 TH - Building Construction 390 TP - Chemical Technology 367 C - General History 277 TC - Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering 270 E - United States History 238 TF - Railroad Engineering and Operation 89 D - General History 83 HE - Transportation and Communications 53 F - General American History 22 HS - Societies 18 L - General Education 17 TE - Highway Engineering 15 TG - Bridge Engineering 12 J - General Legislature 8 PR - English Literature 8 GB - Physical Geography 7 HD - Industries, Land Use, Labor 5 G - General Geography 4 LC - Social Aspects of Education 4 QC - Physics 4 S - General Agriculture 3 CR - Heraldry 2 HC - Economic History and Conditions 2 HM - Sociology 2 NK - Decorative Arts 2 PZ - Fiction 2 QA - Mathematics 2 Z - Books and Writing 2 AE - Encyclopedias 1 BL - Religions, Mythology, Rationalism 1 GA - Mathematical Geography and Cartography 1 GE - Environmental Sciences 1 GF - Human Ecology and Anthropogeography 1 GV - Leisure and Recreation 1 HF - Commerce 1 JX - International Law 1 LB - Theory and Practice of Education 1 N - Visual Arts 1 NC - Drawing, Design, Illustration 1 ND - Painting 1 PN - General Literature 1 PS - American Literature 1 Q - General Science 1 QK - Botany 1 RA - Public Medicine 1 SB - Plant Culture 1 VA - Navies 1