PS - American Literature 9,603 PR - English Literature 7,704 PN - General Literature 5,565 PQ - French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese Literature 2,108 PE - English Languages 1,282 PC - Romanic Languages 925 PA - Latin and Greek 858 P - Philology and Linguistics 806 PT - European, Asian and African Literature 576 PG - Slavic, Baltic, Abanian Languages 520 PZ - Fiction 421 PL - Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania 320 PM - Hyperborean, Indian, and Artificial Languages 233 PJ - Oriental 108 PK - Indo-Iranian 42 PF - West Germanic Languages 31 PH - Uralic, Basque Languages 28 LC - Social Aspects of Education 21 PB - Modern and Celtic Languages 18 F - General American History 8 L - General Education 7 HE - Transportation and Communications 6 E - United States History 5 B - Philosophy 4 LB - Theory and Practice of Education 4 ML - Literature on Music 4 S - General Agriculture 4 D - General History 3 GR - Folklore 3 PD - Germanic Languages 3 Q - General Science 3 AS - Academies 2 BR - Christianity 2 BX - Christian Denominations 2 C - General History 2 CR - Heraldry 2 J - General Legislature 2 AE - Encyclopedias 1 BL - Religions, Mythology, Rationalism 1 BT - Doctrinal Theology 1 CT - Biography 1 DG - Italy, Malta 1 DP - Spain, Portugal 1 HG - Finance 1 HM - Sociology 1 HN - Social History and Conditions 1 LD - United States 1 M - Music 1 N - Visual Arts 1 NA - Architecture 1 NC - Drawing, Design, Illustration 1 ND - Painting 1 NK - Decorative Arts 1 QB - Astronomy 1 QC - Physics 1 RC - Internal Medicine 1 RD - Surgery 1 RJ - Pediatrics 1 SH - Aquaculture, Fisheries, Angling 1 TL - Motor Vehicles and Aeronautics 1 TN - Mining Engineering and Metallurgy 1 TR - Photography 1 TX - Home Economics 1 UC - Maintenance and Transportation 1 Z - Books and Writing 1