HE - Transportation and Communications 14,969 HD - Industries, Land Use, Labor 4,579 HQ - Family, Marriage, Women 2,519 HF - Commerce 2,383 HV - Social Pathology, Criminology 2,142 HS - Societies 1,745 HC - Economic History and Conditions 1,224 HM - Sociology 1,018 HG - Finance 936 L - General Education 779 C - General History 765 HN - Social History and Conditions 671 J - General Legislature 634 HB - Economic Theory and Demography 625 HX - Socialism, Communism, Anarchism 432 HT - Communities, Classes, Races 416 HJ - Public Finance 238 H - Social Science 206 TD - Environmental Technology 124 T - General Technology 107 HA - Statistics 83 D - General History 68 E - United States History 67 PR - English Literature 64 F - General American History 46 S - General Agriculture 43 GA - Mathematical Geography and Cartography 34 CR - Heraldry 25 LC - Social Aspects of Education 17 PZ - Fiction 13 QE - Geology 13 PE - English Languages 11 LB - Theory and Practice of Education 9 P - Philology and Linguistics 8 PM - Hyperborean, Indian, and Artificial Languages 7 TN - Mining Engineering and Metallurgy 7 KF - United States 4 TL - Motor Vehicles and Aeronautics 3 AE - Encyclopedias 2 BF - Psychology 2 CS - Genealogy 2 JS - Local and Municipal Government 2 PS - American Literature 2 TX - Home Economics 2 B - Philosophy 1 BR - Christianity 1 CC - Archaeology 1 DK - Russia, Soviet Union, Former Soviet Republics, Poland 1 DP - Spain, Portugal 1 DS - Asia 1 DT - Africa 1 GB - Physical Geography 1 JA - Political Science 1 JC - Political Theory 1 JK - United States 1 JX - International Law 1 NK - Decorative Arts 1 Q - General Science 1 QA - Mathematics 1 QC - Physics 1 RA - Public Medicine 1 RJ - Pediatrics 1 TC - Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering 1 TF - Railroad Engineering and Operation 1 TK - Electrical and Nuclear Engineering 1 UC - Maintenance and Transportation 1 VA - Navies 1