Call Number (LC) Title Results
GA 1.41:GAO-11-28 R Respite care grants and cooperative agreements awarded to implement the Lifespan Respite Care Act 1
GA 1.41:GAO-11-33 R The cooperative model as a potential component of structural reform options for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac 1
GA 1.41:GAO-11-51 R FEMA has made limited progress in efforts to develop and implement a system to assess national preparedness capabilities 1
GA 1.41:GAO-11-61 R Defense acquisitions additional guidance needed to improve visibility into the structure and management of major weapon system subcontracts 1
GA 1.41:GAO-11-90 R Deepwater Horizon oil spill preliminary assessment of federal financial risks and cost reimbursement and notification policies and procedures 1
GA 1.41:GAO-11-101 R Surface coal mining information on Clean Water Act Section 404 permit reviews under enhanced coordination procedures in Appalachia, focusing on West Virginia 1
GA 1.41:GAO-11-116 R Medicare CMS needs to collect consistent information from quality improvement organizations to strengthen its establishment of budgets for quality of care reviews 1
GA 1.41:GAO-11-123 R Defense infrastructure further actions needed to support Air Force electronic warfare evaluation simulator relocation plans 1
GA 1.41:GAO-11-126 R Medicare private sector initiatives to bundle hospital and physician payments for an episode of care 1
GA 1.41:GAO-11-127 R America COMPETES Act it is too early to evaluate programs long-term effectiveness, but agencies could improve reporting of hig-risk, high-reward research priorities 1
GA 1.41:GAO-11-130 R Long-term care hospitals differences in their oversight compared to other types of hospitals and nursing homes 1
GA 1.41:GAO-11-135 R Export controls agency actions and proposed reform initiatives may address previously identified weaknesses, but challenges remain 1
GA 1.41:GAO-11-140 R Maritime security responses to questions for the Record 1
GA 1.41:GAO-11-141 R Medicaid outpatient prescription drugs estimated changes in federal upper limits using the formula under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act 1
GA 1.41:GAO-11-153 R Quadrennial Homeland Security Review 2010 reports addressed many required elements, but budget planning not yet completed 1
GA 1.41:GAO-11-156 R Accountability for U.S. equipment provided to Pakistani security forces in the Western Frontier needs to be improved 1
GA 1.41:GAO-11-158 R Status of study concerning appraisal methods and the home valuation code of conduct 1
GA 1.41:GAO-11-160 R DOD health care prohibition on financial incentives that may influence health insurance choices for retirees and their dependents under age 65 1
GA 1.41:GAO-11-167 R U.S. Department of Justice declinations of Indian country criminal matters 1
GA 1.41:GAO-11-181 R Defense business transformation DOD needs to take additional actions to further define key management roles, develop measurable goals, and align planning efforts 1