Call Number (LC) Title Results
Map OM-224-C Map showing wells drilled to depths [greater than or equal to] 20,000 feet in the north-central Gulf Coast region 1
Map OM-226 Maps showing hydrocarbon plays of the Florida peninsula, USGS Petroleum Province 50 1
MF-657 Reconnaissance geologic map of the Buena Vista quadrangle, Chaffee and Park Counties, Colorado 1
Microfiche Microfiche Agricultural outlook
Studies in short fiction
Teaching music
Psychology today
The economist
Business week
Christianity today
The Nation
Motor trend
The Mother Earth News
National review
Nation's business
The new republic
The New Yorker
Aviation week & space technology
Mother Jones
The oil and gas journal
Popular mechanics
Popular science
Engineering and mining journal
Travel holiday
Dance magazine
Food news for consumers
The horn book magazine
The Atlantic
Runner's world
High fidelity
Changing times
JEMS : a journal of emergency medical services
Research quarterly for exercise and sport
Lodging hospitality
Advertising age
Foreign policy
The Physician and sportsmedicine
Fortitudine : newsletter of the Marine Corps Historical Program
Los Alamos science
The chronicle of higher education
School arts
Child life
FAA aviation news : a DOT/FAA flight standards safety publication
The Reading teacher
Harper's magazine
The Mathematics teacher
Scholastic coach
The Futurist
New scientist
USA today
Editor & publisher
Essays in literature
Modern fiction studies
Down beat
Forbes FYI
Kiplinger's personal finance magazine
Public roads
Sales & marketing management
ACM computing surveys
The Journal of research in crime and delinquency
Columbia journalism review
Arts education policy review
Managing office technology
The Atlantic monthly
Teaching exceptional children
The journal of heredity
The American journal of nursing
Inorganic chemistry
Measurement and evaluation in guidance
The Physical educator
Popular electronics
The Police Chief
Journal of teacher education
Journal of counseling psychology
Teaching sociology
Management accounting
Manufacturing engineering
Business credit : publication of National Association of Credit Management
Hospitals & health networks
Journal of experimental psychology: general
Golf magazine
Children today
US Department of State dispatch
Electronics now
The Paris review
The Accounting review
The Journal of geography
Journal of reading
The Quill
American Indian quarterly
Journal of accountancy
Journal of retailing
The Journal of school health
The Journal of special education
Day care and early education
Academic therapy
Journal of bacteriology
Science books & films
Poets & writers
National underwriter
Journal of youth services in libraries
Family process
The Practical accountant
Educational studies in mathematics
Family economics review
The Hudson review
Management science
Top of the news
The Journal of nursing education
Nutrition reviews
Young children
Heart & lung
Land economics
The Middle East journal
The Journal of law & economics
Milton quarterly
Personnel management
The journal of home economics
The Journal of nutrition
The Kenyon review
Journal of educational measurement
Journal of police science and administration
Animal learning & behavior
The Journal of real estate taxation
Journal of systems management
The Air Force law review
Pediatric nursing
Journal of nutrition education
Hydraulics & pneumatics
Journal of communication
Mining engineering
The Mining magazine
Nursing research
The Hastings Center report
Journal of gerontological nursing
Computers & geosciences
American film
Management review
Health care financing review
The Journal of practical nursing
Mechanix illustrated
Nursing management
Chain store age executive with Shopping center age
Journal of European studies
Mining journal
Journal of child language
American horticulturist
Maternal-child nursing journal
Perspectives in psychiatric care
MCN, the American journal of maternal child nursing
Farmer cooperatives
Nurse educator
Journal of legislation
Travel weekly
The Appraisal journal
Psychological abstracts
Studies in art education
ABA banking journal
Communication education
Machine design
Health education
THE journal : technological horizons in education
Journal of experimental psychology: animal behavior processes
Library trends
Industrial and labor relations review
Industry week
The Journal of aesthetic education
National tax journal
American Indian culture and research journal
Reading research quarterly
AAPG bulletin
Police magazine
Issues in mental health nursing
B to B
The mailbox teacher
NEA today a newspaper for members of the National Education Association
Teacher magazine
Breakthroughs in health and science
Teaching children mathematics
Scholastic coach and athletic director
Journal of adolescent & adult literacy : a journal from the International Reading Association
Journal of family and consumer sciences
Early childhood education journal
Environmental history
AVC presentation, technology & applications
Journal of the Society of Pediatric Nurses : JSPN
Instructor and teacher
Journal of health education
Journal of advanced nursing
Urban affairs quarterly
Home mechanix
Journal of applied physiology: respiratory, environmental and exercise physiology
Classroom computer learning
Journal of applied physiology
Southern folklore quarterly
Business month
Nursing times, nursing mirror NT
Library administration & management
Canadian journal of animal science Revue canadienne de zootechnie
Nursing times : NT
Physical review. A, General physics
Physical review. B, Condensed matter
Physical review. C, Nuclear physics
Physical review. D, Particles and fields
Educational technology research and development : ETR & D.
Environmental manager
Psychological science : a journal of the American Psychological Society
Journalism & mass communication educator
Urban affairs review
Coach and athletic director
In-plant graphics
SME resource guide
In-plant reproductions
The Journal of law, medicine & ethics : a journal of the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics
Technology & learning
Air & waste
Journal of rehabilitation research & development
S.A.M. advanced management journal
Computers & electronics
Journal of professional nursing : official journal of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing
Journal of contemporary ethnography
Car craft
Journal of personality assessment
Geological Society of America data repository
American machinist & automated manufacturing AM
Graphic arts monthly : the magazine of the printing industry
Southern folklore
East west journal
Journal of neurosurgical nursing
Coal mining
Management solutions
Psychology in the schools
Soil & water conservation news
EastWest natural health
Middle East policy
PM plus
Saturday review world
Saturday review of the arts
Saturday review of the society
The Saturday review of education
Rural cooperatives
Emerging infectious diseases
Journal of environmental regulation
United Nations chronicle
Scientific American
Sports illustrated
The Writer
Papers on language & literature : PLL
Barron's national business and financial weekly
The Reader's digest
The Center magazine
Saturday review of the sciences
AVC presentation for the visual communicator
AVC presentation development & delivery
AVC development & delivery
Broadcasting & cable
MIS quarterly : management information systems
Critical care quarterly
International journal of comparative and applied criminal justice
Political theory
Holistic nursing practice
Critical care nursing quarterly
The Prison journal
Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association
Remediation : the journal of environmental cleanup costs, technologies & techniques
Environmental history review : EHR : a publication of the American Society for Environmental History
Psychology of women quarterly
Educational leadership : journal of the Department of Supervision and Curriculum Development, N.E.A.
Educational horizons
Mathematics in school
American demographics
College and university : the journal of the American Association of Collegiate Registrars
Journal of physical education, recreation & dance
Journal of research in childhood education : JRCE
Teaching pre-K-8.
The Journal of cell biology
The American psychologist
Analytical chemistry
The arithmetic teacher
Art education
Communications of the ACM
The Choral journal
The Counseling psychologist
The Elementary school journal
Geological Society of America bulletin
Social work
Harper's new monthly magazine
Harper's monthly magazine
The CPA journal
Human organization : journal of the Society for Applied Anthropology
Design for arts in education
The Teacher educator : official organ of the Indiana Association of Teacher Educators
The Science teacher
Topics in early childhood special education
Journal of career planning & employment
The Career development quarterly
The Exceptional parent
Journal of the American Chemical Society
Saturday review
The Delta Kappa Gamma bulletin
Design news
English education
The New England journal of medicine
The journal of geology
Science digest
The mathematical intelligencer
Journal of marital and family therapy
Darkroom photography
Topics in clinical nursing
Tooling & production
Audio-visual communications
FOIA update
Geriatric nursing
The Secretary
The American journal of psychiatry
Law, medicine & health care : a publication of the American Society of Law & Medicine
Department of State bulletin
American-Arab affairs
Supervisor nurse
Management world
Supervisory management
Journal of school psychology
The Astrophysical journal
The Office
Keystone folklore
Nursing times
Industrial marketing
English today
The journal of ethnic studies
Business marketing
Vocational education journal
The Journal of neuroscience nursing : journal of the American Association of Neuroscience Nurses
In-plant reproductions & electronic publishing
JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association
Consumer reports
Consumer reports. Buying guide issue
Current history
The education digest
Foreign affairs
The Humanist
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
American baby
Archaeology : a magazine dealing with the antiquity of the world
The New York review of books
Parks & recreation
Phi Delta Kappan
Sky and telescope
School library journal : SLJ
Newsletter on intellectual freedom
Working woman
The Saturday evening post
Good housekeeping
UN chronicle
Hot rod
The Christian century
U.S. news & world report
New perspectives quarterly : NPQ
Forbes ASAP
Natural health
The Wall Street journal
The American nurse
American cinematographer
American imago
The American journal of clinical nutrition : AJCN
American machinist
Canadian journal of plant science. Revue canadienne de phytotechnie
Coal mining & processing
Computer design
The credit world : the official organ of the Retail Credit Men's National Association
Electronic design
Family health
Far Eastern economic review
Sloan management review
Studies in the novel
The journal of comparative and physiological psychology
Nursing outlook
Therapeutic recreation journal
The Journal of taxation
The journalism educator
The Journal of nursing administration
Journal of economic issues
The journal of infectious diseases : official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America
Journal of medicinal chemistry
Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists
Coal age
Personnel management plus
Environmental regulation and permitting
Chain store age
Advertising age's business marketing
Getting results- for the hands-on manager
Instructor : activities, insights, and resources for teachers
Roeper review
Your match would be here.
Microfilm Microfilm The Denver post
The Reading teacher
Measurement and evaluation in guidance
CD review
Academic therapy
Behavioral science
The Journal of nursing education
Animal learning & behavior
The American journal of insanity
Restoration & management notes
The Environmental professional
The Washington post
Rorschach research exchange
Rorschach research exchange and journal of projective techniques
Journal of projective techniques
Journal of personality assessment
Journal of projective techniques & personality assessment
Psychology in the schools
The Center magazine
Academic therapy quarterly
The Counseling psychologist
Journal of experimental psychology
The American journal of psychiatry
Supervisory management
Journal of school psychology
The education digest
The New York times
The Saturday evening post
Good housekeeping
The daily sentinel
The Wall Street journal
The journal of comparative and physiological psychology
The Journal of nursing administration
MITG 207 Acid-leaching of western carnotite ores 1
MITG 212 Attrition of scrubbing of western carnotite and roscoelite ores 1
MITG 214 Preliminary experiments on the gamma N reaction for analyzing and picking beryl 1
MITG 228 Miscellaneous precipitants for uranium in phosphoric acid solutions 1
MITG 235 Removal of uranium from phosphoric acid with monazite 1
MITG 245 Some properties of uranous phosphates : topical report 1
MITG 252 Lyometallurgical tests on Marysvale uranium ores 1
MITG 261 Air oxidation of uranous solutions 1
MITG 262 The extraction of uranium from Marysvale ores Q4, Q5, Q6 and Q7 1
MITG 263 Preliminary mineral engineering studies of cupriferous uranium ores R-1 and R-2 1
MITG A111 Construction and operation of an automatic device to test resin life 1
MITG A44 The precipitation of uranium by inorganic acids of Groups V and VI : progress report 1
MITG A49 Carbonate treatment of U₃O₈ precipitates 1
MITG A51 The leaching of uranium from insoluble hydroxides by a carbonate treatment 1