Call Number (LC) Title Results
LC 14.23:RS 20167/ The role of the Office of Management and Budget in budget development 1
LC 14.23:RS 20179/ The role of the President in budget development 1
LC 14.23:RS 20198/ The role of departments and agencies in budget development 1
LC 14.23:RS 20199/ Ordering a roll call vote in the Senate 1
LC 14.23:RS 20200/ General debate in Committee of the Whole 1
LC 14.23:RS 20201/ Sports legislation in the 106th Congress 1
LC 14.23:RS 20208/ Obtaining a record vote on the House floor 1
LC 14.23:RS 20209/ Instructing Senate conferees 1
LC 14.23:RS 20210/ Trade adjustment assistance for firms 1
LC 14.23:RS 20214/ Federal grand juries : the law in a nutshell 1
LC 14.23:RS 20219/ House conferees : restrictions on their authority 1
LC 14.23:RS 20221/ Commemorative postage stamps : history, selection criteria, and revenue potential 1
LC 14.23:RS 20227/ House conferees : selection 1
LC 14.23:RS 20233/ House floor activity : the daily flow of business 1
LC 14.23:RS 20234/ Expedited or "fast-track" legislative procedures 1
LC 14.23:RS 20260/ Presidential disability : an overview 1
LC 14.23:RS 20268/ Agency justification of the President's budget 1
LC 14.23:RS 20294/ Supplemental Security Income (SSI) : income/resource limits and accounts exempt from benefit determinations 1
LC 14.23:RS 20301/ Teenage pregnancy prevention : statistics and programs 1
LC 14.23:RS 20306/ Federal mandatory minimum sentencing statutes : introductory comments to a list with captions 1