Call Number (LC) Title Results
LC 14.23:R 42553/ Countering violent extremism in the United States 1
LC 14.23:R 42554/ U.S.-China diplomacy over Chinese legal advocate Chen Guangcheng 1
LC 14.23:R 42555/ Trade reorganization : overview and issues for Congress 1
LC 14.23:R 42556/ Nominations to U.S. circuit and district courts by President Obama during the 111th and 112th Congresses 1
LC 14.23:R 42557/ Department of Homeland Security appropriations : a summary of congressional action for FY2013 1
LC 14.23:R 42559/ Haiti under President Martelly : current conditions and Congressional concerns 1
LC 14.23:R 42560/ Mexican migration to the United States : policy and trends 1
LC 14.23:R 42561/ The American Opportunity Tax Credit : overview, analysis, and policy options 1
LC 14.23:R 42562/ Moving to Work (MTW) : housing assistance demonstration program 1
LC 14.23:R 42563/ Ending overfishing and rebuilding fish stocks in U.S. federal waters 1
LC 14.23:R 42564/ FDA user fees and the regulation of drugs, biologics, and devices : comparative analysis of S. 3187 and H.R. 5651 1
LC 14.23:R 42565/ SBA New Markets Venture Capital program 1
LC 14.23:R 42566/ Alternative fuel and advanced vehicle technology incentives : a summary of federal programs 1
LC 14.23:R 42567/ Coast Guard cutter procurement : background and issues for Congress 1
LC 14.23:R 42568/ The Navy biofuel initiative under the Defense Production Act 1
LC 14.23:R 42569/ Hunting, fishing, and recreational shooting on federal lands : H.R. 4089 and related legislation 1
LC 14.23:R 42570/ Proposals to amend RCRA : analysis of pending legislation applicable to the management of coal combustion residuals 1
LC 14.23:R 42571/ Changes to the residential mortgage market : legislation, demographics, and other drivers 1
LC 14.23:R 42574/ Credit union commercial business lending : key issues for legislation in the 112th Congress 1
LC 14.23:R 42575/ Right to work laws : legislative background and empirical research 1