Call Number (LC) Title Results
LC 14.23:IF 10457/ Export-Import Bank (Ex-Im Bank) and the Federal budget 1
LC 14.23:IF 10461/ Patient access to health information in the digital age 1
LC 14.23:IF 10467/ Possible U.S. policy approaches to North Korea 1
LC 14.23:IF 10476/ TPP : investment provisions 1
LC 14.23:IF 10507/ Petroleum coke : industry, health, and environmental issues 1
LC 14.23:IF 10512/ Oil and natural gas industry tax preferences 1
LC 14.23:IF 10541/ Defense primer : ballistic missile defense 1
LC 14.23:IF 10554/ Postsecondary education of Native Americans 1
LC 14.23:IF 10578/ Mexico : evolution of the Merida Initiative, FY2008-FY2022 1
LC 14.23:IF 10579/ Key issues in tax reform : itemized tax deductions 1
LC 14.23:IF 10585/ The federal land management agencies 1
LC 14.23:IF 10586/ Intergenerational income mobility 1
LC 14.23:IF 10587/ Human trafficking and U.S. foreign policy : an introduction 1
LC 14.23:IF 10590/ Child welfare : purposes, federal programs, and funding 1
LC 14.23:IF 10591/ Taxes and fees enacted as part of the Affordable Care Act 1
LC 14.23:IF 10592/ Infrastructure investment and the federal government 1
LC 14.23:IF 10593/ Hong Kong's 2007 chief executive election 1
LC 14.23:IF 10594/ Defense primer : concurrent receipt of military retirement and VA disability 1
LC 14.23:IF 10597/ United Nations issues : U.S. funding of U.N. peacekeeping 1
LC 14.23:IF 10599/ Defense primer : procurement 1