Call Number (LC) Title Results
LC 14.23:98-839/ Messages, petitions, communications, and memorials to Congress 1
LC 14.23:98-846/ Revenue provisions in annual appropriations acts 1
LC 14.23:98-853/ The amending process in the Senate 1
LC 14.23:98-856/ Federal reserve interest rate changes: 2001-2009 1
LC 14.23:98-865/ Flow of business : a typical day on the Senate floor 1
LC 14.23:98-870/ Quorum requirements in the House : committee and chamber 1
LC 14.23:98-888/ "Fast-track" or expedited procedures : their purpose, elements, and implications 1
LC 14.23:98-893/ Impeachment grounds. part 1. Pre-Constitutional Convention materials 1
LC 14.23:98-894/ Impeachment grounds : part 2. selected Constitutional Convention materials 1
LC 14.23:98-895/ Impeachment grounds. part 3. Hamilton, Wilson and Story 1
LC 14.23:98-896/ Impeachment grounds. part 4A. Articles of Past Impeachments 1
LC 14.23:98-898/ Impeachment grounds: part 5. selected Douglas/Nixon inquiry materials 1
LC 14.23:98-899/ Impeachment grounds : part 6. quotes from sundry commentators 1
LC 14.23:98-958/ Extradition to and from the United States : overview of the law and contemporary treaties 1
LC 14.23:98-970/ Pairing in Congressional voting : the House 1
LC 14.23:98-972 Federal Employees' Retirement System : summary of recent trends 1
LC 14.23:98-988/ Voting and quorum procedures in the House of Representatives 1
LC 14.23:98-993/ Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument 1
LC 14.23:98-995/ The amending process in the House of Representatives 1
LC 14.23:IF 10025/ Surface transportation funding and infrastructure challenges 1