Call Number (LC) Title Results
L 2.3:740 Student cooperatives in the United States, 1941 1
L 2.3:742 Effect of incentive payments on hourly earnings 1
L 2.3:743 Vacation and holiday provisions in union agreements, January 1943 1
L 2.3:744 Earnings in aircraft-parts plants, November 1942 1
L 2.3:745 Union membership and collective bargaining by foremen 1
L 2.3:746 Wage stabilization in California airframe industry, 1943 1
L 2.3:747 Selected list of the publications of the Bureau of Labor Statistics : 1943 supplement to 1940 edition 1
L 2.3:748 Pay differentials for night work under union agreements 1
L 2.3:749 Wartime prices : part 1 -- August 1939 to Pearl Harbor 1
L 2.3:751 Hours and earnings in the fertilizer industry, January 1943 1
L 2.3:752 Earnings in ship construction yards, Fall of 1942 1
L 2.3:753 Maintenance-of-membership awards of National War Labor Board 1
L 2.3:754 Family allowances in various countries 1
L 2.3:755 Wartime Labor Conditions in India 1
L 2.3:756 Wages in manufacturing industries in wartime 1
L 2.3:757 Activities of consumers' cooperatives in 1942 1
L 2.3:758 Industrial injuries in the United States during 1942 1
L 2.3:760 Union agreements in the aluminum-fabrication industry 1
L 2.3:761 Union agreements in agricultural-machinery industry, 1943 1
L 2.3:762 Earnings in Southwestern petroleum industry, April 1943 1