Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 49.89/2:92(3) An Evaluation of regression methods to estimate nutritional condition of canvasbacks and other water birds 1
I 49.89/2:92 (4) Diflubenzuron hazards to fish, wildlife, and invertebrates a synoptic review 1
I 49.89/2:92 (6) Ecology of band-tailed pigeons in Oregon 1
I 49.89/2:93(5) Vole management in fruit orchards 1
I 49.89/2:93(7) A model of the productivity of the northern pintail 1
I 49.89/2:93 (8) Guidelines for the development of community-level habitat evaluation models 1
I 49.89/2:93(9) Thermal stratification of dilute lakes evaluation of regulatory processes and biological effects before and after base addition : effects on brook trout habitat and growth 1
I 49.89/2:93(14) Evaluation of habitat suitability index models for riverine life stages of American shad, with proposed models for premigratory juveniles 1
I 49.89/2:93(18) Habitat suitability index model for brook trout in streams of the southern Blue Ridge province surrogate variables, model evaluation, and suggested improvements 1
I 49.89/2:94(24) Instream flows to assist the recovery of endangered fishes of the upper Colorado River basin 1
I 49.89/2:94 (25) Rainbow smelt--larval lake herring interactions competitors or casual acquaintances? 1
I 49.89/2:97(1) Synopsis of the biological data on the green turtle Chelonia mydas (Linnaeus 1758) 1
I 49.89:79/31 Classification of wetlands and deepwater habitats of the United States 1
I 49.89:79/31/corr. Classification of wetlands and deepwater habitats of the United States 1
I 49.89:81/24 The ecology of the mangroves of south Florida : a community profile 1
I 49.89:82/13.3 A guidance manual for the input of biological information to water intake structure design 1
I 49.89:82/17/MAP 1-16 Texas Barrier Islands Region ecological characterization atlas : mineral resources and selected oil and gas intrastructures 1
I 49.89:82/29 Growing Colorado plants from seed : a state of the art 1
I 49.89:83/35 Impacts of coal surface mining on 25 migratory bird species of high federal interest 1
I 49.89:84/01 Feasibility of using oil shale wastewater for waterfowl wetlands 1