Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 49.2:P 94/3/2003 A profile of land protection actions as of September 30, 2003 1
I 49.2:P 94/5 Progress report on the Howard Hanson project adult return rate study for cwt coho and chinook salmon, 1994-1996 1
I 49.2:P 94/6 Protecting marine fisheries in Virginia 1
I 49.2:P 94/7 Fulfilling the promise progress report 1
I 49.2:P 94/8 Protecting habitat and history : a 2005 progress report responding to Section 3 of Executive Order 13287 "Preserve America" 1
I 49.2:P 94/8/2008 Protecting habitat and history : a 2008 progress report responding to Section 3 of Executive Order 13287 "Preserve America" 1
I 49.2:Q 2 Qualacu : archeological investigation of a Piro Pueblo 1
I 49.2:Q 4 Quick reference guide to approved drugs for use in aquaculture 1
I 49.2:R 11 Monitoring and evaluating various sizes of domestic-reared razorback sucker stocked in the upper Colorado and Gunnison Rivers, 1995-2001 final report 1
I 49.2:R 13 Rainwater Basin Wetland Management District 1
I 49.2:R 13/2 King rail (railus elegans) conservation plan 1
I 49.2:R 13/3 King rail conservation plan executive summary 1
I 49.2:R 13/4 King rail conservation action plan workshop summary 1
I 49.2:R 19 Management of conflicts associated with common ravens in the United States : a technical review of the issues, 2023 1
I 49.2:R 21 Investigations of razorback sucker distribution, movements and habitats used during Spring in the Green River, Utah : final report 1
I 49.2:R 24/5 Fisheries USA : the recreational fisheries policy of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1
I 49.2:R 24/9 Recreational fisheries stewardship initiative 1
I 49.2:R 24/10 Recovery plan for caesalpinia kavaiensis and kokia drynarioides 1
I 49.2:R 24/11 Lahontan cutthroat trout (oncorhynchus clarki henshawi) recovery plan 1
I 49.2:R 24/12 Recreational Fishery Resources Conservation Plan 1