Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 29.89:2011/373 Evaluation of the sensitivity of inventory and monitoring national parks to acidification effects from atmospheric sulfur and nitrogen deposition. Southeast Alaska Network (SEAN) 1
I 29.89:2011/374 Vegetation classification guidelines 1
I 29.89:2011/375 Evaluation of the sensitivity of inventory and monitoring national parks to acidification effects from atmospheric sulfur and nitrogen deposition. Southeast Coast Network (SECN) 1
I 29.89:2011/376 Evaluation of the sensitivity of inventory and monitoring national parks to acidification effects from atmospheric sulfur and nitrogen deposition. San Francisco Bay Area Network (SFAN) 1
I 29.89:2011/377 Evaluation of the sensitivity of inventory and monitoring national parks to acidification effects from atmospheric sulfur and nitrogen deposition. South Florida/Caribbean Network (SFCN) 1
I 29.89:2011/378 Evaluation of the sensitivity of inventory and monitoring national parks to acidification effects from atmospheric sulfur and nitrogen deposition. Sierra Nevada Network (SIEN) 1
I 29.89:2011/379 Evaluation of the sensitivity of inventory and monitoring national parks to acidification effects from atmospheric sulfur and nitrogen deposition. Sonoran Desert Network (SODN) 1
I 29.89:2011/380 Evaluation of the sensitivity of inventory and monitoring national parks to acidification effects from atmospheric sulfur and nitrogen deposition. Southern Plains Network (SOPN) 1
I 29.89:2011/381 Evaluation of the sensitivity of inventory and monitoring national parks to acidification effects from atmospheric sulfur and nitrogen deposition. Southwest Alaska Network (SWAN) 1
I 29.89:2011/382 Evaluation of the sensitivity of inventory and monitoring national parks to acidification effects from atmospheric sulfur and nitrogen deposition. Upper Columbia Basin Network (UCBN) 1
I 29.89:2011/383 Rocky Mountain Network vegetation composition structure and soils monitoring protocol : small park grasslands, shrublands, and woodlands 1
I 29.89:2011/384 Kaloko-Honokōhau National Historical Park : geologic resources inventory report 1
I 29.89:2011/385 Pu'uhonua o Hōnaunau National Historical Park : geologic resources inventory report 1
I 29.89:2011/386 Pu'ukoholā Heiau National Historic Site : geologic resources inventory report 1
I 29.89:2011/391 SOP for monitoring black oystercatchers : Southwest Alaska Inventory and Monitoring Network 1
I 29.89:2011/392 SOP for conducting marine bird and mammal surveys : Southwest Alaska Inventory and Monitoring Network 1
I 29.89:2011/393 SOP for conducting sea otter aerial surveys : Southwest Alaska Inventory and Monitoring Network 1
I 29.89:2011/394 SOP for collecting sea otter forage data : Southwest Alaska Inventory and Monitoring Network 1
I 29.89:2011/395 National Park Service vegetation inventory program. Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Michigan 1
I 29.89:2011/396 SOP for conducting coastline surveys of birds and mammals, animal carcasses, debris and other resources: Southwest Alaska Inventory and Monitoring Network 1