Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 19.16:185-I Geomorphology of the north flank of the Uinta Mountains 2
I 19.16:186-A New Upper Cretaceous Ostreidae from the Gulf region 2
I 19.16:186-B Fossil flora of the Wedington sandstone member of the Fayetteville shale 2
I 19.16:186-C Fossil plants from the Stanley shale and Jackfork sandstone in southeastern Oklahoma and western Arkansas 2
I 19.16:186-D Some organic constituents of a recent sediment from Chincoteague Bay, Virginia 2
I 19.16:186-E The flora of the New Albany shale. Part 2, The Calamopityeae and their relationships 1
I 19.16:186-F American Cretaceous ferns of the genus T̲emp̲s̲k̲̲y̲a ̲/̲
American Cretaceous ferns of the genus Tempskya
I 19.16:186-G Stratigraphic relations of the Austin, Taylor, and equivalent formations in Texas 2
I 19.16:186-H Inferences about the origin of oil as indicated by the composition of the organic constituents of sediments 2
I 19.16:186-I Some deep wells near the Atlantic coast in Virginia and the Carolinas 2
I 19.16:186-J Additions to some fossil floras of the western United States 2
I 19.16:186-K Stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous rocks north of the Arkansas river in eastern Colorado
The stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous rocks north of the Arkansas River in eastern Colorado
I 19.16:186-L The correlation of the Upper Cambrian sections of Missouri and Texas with the section in the upper Mississippi Valley 2
I 19.16:186-M A redescription of Ferdinand Roemer's Paleozoic types from Texas 2
I 19.16:186-N Relation of salinity to the calcium carbonate content of marine sediments 2
I 19.16:187 Geology of the Marathon region, Texas 2
I 19.16:188 The San Juan country ; a geographic and geologic reconnaissance of southeastern Utah
The San Juan country : a geographic and geologic reconnaissance of southeastern Utah
I 19.16:189 Shorter contributions to general geology, 1937 1
I 19.16:189-A Species and genera of tertiary noetinae 2
I 19.16:189-B Igneous geology and structure of the Mount Taylor volcanic field New Mexico 2