Call Number (LC) Title Results
HS 1.22:C 63/2/ U.S. Coast Guard's management letter for ... DHS consolidated financial statements audit 1
HS 1.22:C 63/3/ Information technology management letter for the United States Coast Guard component of the ... DHS financial statement audit (redacted)
IT matters related to the United States Coast Guard component of the ... DHS financial statement audit
Information technology management letter for the United States Coast Guard component of the ... Department of Homeland Security financial statement audit
HS 1.22:DD-12-19 Direct administrative costs paid for FEMA public assistance grant funds 1
HS 1.22:DD-12-20 FEMA public assistance grant funds awarded to St. Charles Parish, Louisiana 1
HS 1.22:F 31/ Information technology management letter for the Federal Emergency Management Agency component of the ... DHS financial statement audit (redacted) 1
HS 1.22:F 31/2/ Federal Emergency Management Agency's management letter for ... DHS consolidated financial statements audit 1
HS 1.22:F 49/ Management letter for the Department of Homeland Security's ... financial statements audit
Management letter for the audit of DHS' ... financial statements and internal control over financial reporting
Management letter for the ... DHS financial statement and internal control over financial reporting audit
HS 1.22:G 76/ Annual report to Congress on states' and urban areas' management of Homeland Security Grant Programs 1
HS 1.22:G 76/2/ Capping report: ... FEMA public assistance and hazard mitigation grant and subgrant audits
Capping report: ... public assistance grant and subgrant audits
Summary and key findings of ... FEMA disaster grant and program audits
HS 1.22:IN 3/ Information technology management letter for the ... DHS financial statement audit (redacted)
Information technology management letter for the ... DHS financial statement audit
HS 1.22:IN 8/ Summary of significant investigations 1
HS 1.22:L 41/ Management letter for the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center's ... consolidated financial statements 1
HS 1.22:M 31/ Major management challenges facing the Department of Homeland Security
Major management and performance challenges facing the Department of Homeland Security
HS 1.22:ST 8/ Strategic plan 1
HS 1.24: Alien incarceration report 1
HS 1.25: Alert 1
HS 1.25/2: National Cyber Awareness System 1
HS 1.25:R 92/ Russian government cyber activity targeting energy and other critical infrastructure sectors 1
HS 1.26: Bulletin 1
HS 1.27: Homeland infrastructure foundation-level data 1