Call Number (LC) Title Results
HE 20.9515:6 Delivering HIV services to vulnerable populations what have we learned? 1
HE 20.9516:C 18 HIV/AIDS treatment update 1
HE 21.102:C 43 Child advocacy : report of a national baseline study 1
HE 22: Report to Congress on ... Medicare and Medicaid integrity programs 1
HE 22.M 46/54/2015 Medicare for children with end-stage renal disease : getting started 1
HE 22.102:C 73 Community based care : options under Medicaid 1
HE 22.102:C 78 Medicaid coordinated care enrollment report : summary statistics as of June 30, 1991 1
HE 22.102:EA 7/3 EPSDT expansion fiscal impact and systems changes 1
HE 22.102:M 31 Medicaid managed care enrollment report summary statistics as of June 30, 1993 1
HE 22.102:M 31/ Medicaid managed care enrollment report summary statistics as of June 30 1
HE 22.102:M 46 National summary of state Medicaid managed care programs : states with Medicaid managed care programs 1
HE 22.102:M 46/2 Medicaid at-a-glance, 2005 a Medicaid information source 1
HE 22.102:Q 2 Approaches to quality under home and community-based services waivers 1
HE 22.102:ST 2/ Medicaid spDATA system 1
HE 22.102:ST 2 2 Medicaid spDATA System : characteristics of Medicaid state programs 1
HE 22.102:ST 2/993/pt.1 Medicaid spDATA System : characteristics of Medicaid state programs 1
HE 22.102:ST 2/V.1- Medicaid spDATA System characteristics of Medicaid state programs 1
HE 22.108:K 54 You can live : your guide for living with kidney failure 1
HE 22.108:M 46 A Health care quality improvement system for Medicaid managed care : a guide for states 1
HE 22.108:M 46/2 Choosing the Medicare plan that's right for you : basic Medicare information guide 1