Call Number (LC) Title Results
GA 1.41:GAO-08-382 R Feasibility of outsourcing the management and operation of the Capitol Power Plant 1
GA 1.41:GAO-08-387 R Limitations in DOD's evaluation plan for EEO complaint pilot program hinder determination of pilot results 1
GA 1.41:GAO-08-397 R Posthearing questions related to federal agencies' activities regarding the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act 1
GA 1.41:GAO-08-423 R Global War on Terrorism reported obligations for the Department of Defense 1
GA 1.41:GAO-08-431 R Defense space activities national security space strategy needed to guide future DOD space efforts 1
GA 1.41:GAO-08-439 R The Department of Defense's civilian human capital strategic plan does not meet most statutory requirements 1
GA 1.41:GAO-08-454 R Temporomandibular joint and muscle disorders NIH supports a wide range of research 1
GA 1.41:GAO-08-461 R Internal control improvements needed in SEC's accounting and financial reporting process 1
GA 1.41:GAO-08-474 R Health savings accounts participation increased and was more common among individuals with higher incomes 1
GA 1.41:GAO-08-495 R VA and DOD health care progress made on implementation of 2003 President's Task Force recommendations on collaboration and coordination, but more remains to be done 1
GA 1.41:GAO-08-512 R Highways and environment transportation agencies are acting to involve others in planning and environmental decisions 1
GA 1.41:GAO-08-537 R September 11 fiscal year 2008 cost estimation process for World Trade Center health programs 1
GA 1.41:GAO-08-544 R Status of implementation of GAO recommendations on evacuation of transportation-disadvantaged populations and patients and residents of health care facilities 1
GA 1.41:GAO-08-557 R Global War on Terrorism reported obligations for the Department of Defense 1
GA 1.41:GAO-08-565 R Food and Drug Administration agency complied with statutory requirement to reexamine condom labels 1
GA 1.41:GAO-08-576 R Comments on the Office of Personnel Management's February 20, 2008 report to congress regarding the Retirement Systems Modernization 1
GA 1.41:GAO-08-577 R Millennium Challenge Corporation analysis of compact development and future obligations and current disbursements of compact assistance 1
GA 1.41:GAO-08-580 R DOD personnel clearances questions for the Record related to the quality and timeliness of clearances 1
GA 1.41:GAO-08-595 R International Boundary and Water Commission two alternatives for improving wastewater treatment at the United States-Mexico border 1
GA 1.41:GAO-08-601 R Economic and other implications of switching from coal to natural gas at the Capitol Power Plant and at electricity-generating units nationwide 1