Call Number (LC) Title Results
GA 1.41:GAO-07-1037 R Radiation Exposure Compensation Act program status 1
GA 1.41:GAO-07-1048 R DOD should provide Congress and the American public with monthly data on enemy-initiated attacks in Iraq in a timely manner 1
GA 1.41:GAO-07-1056 R Global War on Terrorism reported obligations for the Department of Defense 1
GA 1.41:GAO-07-1088 R Space Based Infrared System high program and its alternative 1
GA 1.41:GAO-07-1138 R Military personnel Air National Guard has taken steps to improve the reliability of personnel strength data, but more needs to be done 1
GA 1.41:GAO-07-1139 R Military personnel the Navy has not provided adequate justification for its decision to invest in MCTFS 1
GA 1.41:GAO-07-1143 R Disaster housing implementation of FEMA's Alternative Housing Pilot Program provides lessons for improving future competitions 1
GA 1.41:GAO-07-1148 R Military personnel DOD's predatory lending report addressed mandated issues, but support is limited for some findings and recommendations 1
GA 1.41:GAO-07-1157 R Homeland Security responses to posthearing questions related to the Department of Homeland Security's integrated financial management systems challenges 1
GA 1.41:GAO-07-1165 R U.S. involvement at major international air shows principally depends on agencies' missions and aerospace companies' resources 1
GA 1.41:GAO-07-1171 R USDA information on classical plant and animal breeding activities 1
GA 1.41:GAO-07-1197 R Nuclear security DOE and NRC have different security requirements for protecting weapons-grade material from terrorist attacks 1
GA 1.41:GAO-07-1201 R Prescription drugs trends in usual and customary prices for drugs frequently used by Medicare and non-Medicare health insurance enrollees 1
GA 1.41:GAO-07-1203 R Military base realignments and closures observations related to the 2005 round 1
GA 1.41:GAO-07-1233 R Sale of magnetic data tapes previously used by the government presents a low security risk 1
GA 1.41:GAO-07-1234 R Ex-Im Bank the U.S. Export-Import Bank's financing of dual-use exports 1
GA 1.41:GAO-08-10 R Improvement continues in DOD's reporting on sustainable ranges, but opportunities exist to improve its range assessments and comprehensive plan 1
GA 1.41:GAO-08-19 R School mental health role of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and factors affecting service provision 1
GA 1.41:GAO-08-61 R VA health care status of Inspector General recommendations for health care services contracting 1
GA 1.41:GAO-08-62 R Defense acquisitions Department of Defense actions on program manager empowerment and accountability 1