Call Number (LC) Title Results
GA 1.33:93-25 TR Foreign economic assistance issues 1
GA 1.33:93-26 TR Foreign affairs issues 1
GA 1.33:93-27 TR NASA issues 2
GA 1.33:93-28 TR General Services issues 2
GA 1.38: Internationale zeitschrift für staatliche finanzkontrolle
Revista internacional de auditoría gubernamental
International journal of government auditing
Revue internationale de la vérification des comptes publics
al-Majallah al-dawlīyah lil-raqābah al-mālīyah al-ḥukūmīyah
GA 1.41:587098 PCAOB rulemaking docket matter 037 PCAOB release no. 2011-006 : concept release on auditor independence and audit firm rotation 1
GA 1.41:AIMD-00-90 R Critical infrastructure protection : national plan for information systems protection 1
GA 1.41:GAO-03-745 R U.S. Postal Service data on career employee diversity 1
GA 1.41:GAO-03-781 SP Country-of-origin labeling for certain foods : survey results 1
GA 1.41:GAO-03-808 R Wildland fires Forest Service's removal of timber burned by wildland fires 1
GA 1.41:GAO-03-862 R Health care approaches to address racial and ethnic disparities 1
GA 1.41:GAO-03-879 R Challenges and risks associated with the Joint Tactical Radio System program 1
GA 1.41:GAO-03-985 R Post-hearing question from the May 8, 2003, hearing on barriers to information sharing at the Department of Homeland Security 1
GA 1.41:GAO-03-1010 R Issues facing the Army's Future Combat Systems program 1
GA 1.41:GAO-03-1039 R Department of Agriculture, Commodity Credit Corporation : 2003 Agricultural Assistance Act-Crop Disaster Program and Livestock Assistance Program 1
GA 1.41:GAO-03-1085 R Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Medicare program : changes to the hospital inpatient prospective payment systems and fiscal year 2004 rates 1
GA 1.41:GAO-03-1086 R Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Medicare program : changes to the inpatient rehabilitation facility prospective payment system and fiscal year 2004 rates 1
GA 1.41:GAO-03-1135 R Information generally not available on toy gun issues related to crime, injuries or deaths, and long-term impact 1
GA 1.41:GAO-03-1175 R Aviation safety information on FAA's data on operational errors at air traffic control towers 1
GA 1.41:GAO-04-34 R Issues relating to foreign investment and control of U.S. airlines 1