Call Number (LC) Title Results
GA 1.2:GAO-05-578 SP Highlights of a GAO forum the future of the Defined Benefit System and the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation 1
GA 1.2:GAO-05-695 SP Survey of program officials review of federal programs supporting people with disabilities 1
GA 1.2:GAO-05-704 SP Survey on FAA aviation safety inspector training 1
GA 1.2:GAO-05-734 SP A glossary of terms used in the federal budget process 1
GA 1.2:GAO-05-738 SP Survey of large-and medium-hub airports on existing and planned bus and rail connections 1
GA 1.2:GAO-05-796 SP Economic performance highlights of a workshop on economic performance measures 1
GA 1.2:GAO-05-807 SP Survey of workforce investment board directors on the use of individual training accounts 1
GA 1.2:GAO-05-832 SP Human capital symposium on designing and managing market-based and more performance-oriented pay systems 1
GA 1.2:GAO-05-958 SP Understanding the primary components of the annual financial report of the United States Government 1
GA 1.2:GAO-05-1009 SP Understanding the tax reform debate background, criteria, & questions 1
GA 1.2:GAO-06-44 SP GAO survey of dislocated workers 1
GA 1.2:GAO-06-56 SP Survey of youth opportunity grant program directors 1
GA 1.2:GAO-06-101 SP Commercial aviation survey of small community air service grantees and applicants 1
GA 1.2:GAO-06-112 SP Survey on program manager effectiveness 1
GA 1.2:GAO-06-205 SP Survey of public housing agencies on housing for the elderly and non-elderly persons with disabilities 1
GA 1.2:GAO-06-377 SP Survey of state officials responsible for company formation 1
GA 1.2:GAO-06-394 SP GAO's international protocols 1
GA 1.2:GAO-06-400 SP Survey on state wireless E911 funds 1
GA 1.2:GAO-06-436 SP Federal economic development funding 1
GA 1.2:GAO-06-451 SP Elections 2005 survey of state election officials 1