Call Number (LC) Title Results
F591 .W48 Reel 58 no.566 Topographia medica portus Novi-Archangelscensis sedis principalis colonarium rossicarum in Septentrionali America 1
F591 .W48 Reel 58 no.566.1 Mining and milling in the Reese River region, central and s.e. Nevada 1
F591 .W48 Reel 58 no.567 History of Del Norte county, California, with a business directory and traveler's guide 1
F591 .W48 Reel 58 no.568 Indian wars of the Northwest. A California sketch 1
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F591 .W48 Reel 58 no.569 Le territoire d'Aliaska et les colonies du Nord-ouest de l'Amérique . 1
F591 .W48 Reel 58 no.570 The campaigns of Walker's Texas division 1
F591 .W48 Reel 58 no.571 The new West. New Mexico 1
F591 .W48 Reel 58 no.572 A brief history of the new gold regions of Colorado territory together with hints and suggestions to intending emigrants 1
F591 .W48 Reel 58 no.573 An address to the Narragansett Trading and Mining Association, on their departure for California 1
F591 .W48 Reel 58 no.574 Kratkoe geografichesko-statisticheskoe opisanie Kalifornii 1
F591 .W48 Reel 58 no.575 Proceedings on the impeachment of William Blount, a senator of the United States from the state of Tennesee, for high crimes and misdemeanors 1
F591 .W48 Reel 58 no.576 Echoes from the Sioux 1
F591 .W48 Reel 58 no.577 The Behring sea arbitration. Letters to the Times by its special correspondent: together with the award. Reprinted by permission of the proprietors 1
F591 .W48 Reel 59 no.578 Thrilling narrative of the adventures, sufferings and starvation of Pike's Peak gold seekers on the plains of the West, in the winter and spring of 1859 1
F591 .W48 Reel 59 no.579 Western wanderings a record of travel in the evening land 1
F591 .W48 Reel 59 no.582 Aux mines d'or du Klondike du lac Bennett à Dawson City 1
F591 .W48 Reel 59 no.586 Mission de la Colombie. Deuxième lettre et journal de m. J.-B.-Z. Bolduc, missionnaire à la Colombie 1
F591 .W48 Reel 59 no.587 Mission de la Colombie. Lettre et journal de mr. J.-B.-Z. Bolduc, missionaire de la Colombie 1
F591 .W48 Reel 60 no.589 Beskrifning öfwer Nord-Amerikas Förenta Stater, i anseende till naturbeskaffenhet, djur, wexter, mineralier, produkter, märingsutwäger, styrelse, lagskipning, religionswäsende, underwisningsanstalren [!] krigsmakt, handel, kommunikationsmedel, fattigförsörjning, skatter, onera ic. Med naturhistoriska och andra underrättelser; jemte särskilda upplysningar och råd för dem, som wilja dit inflytta 1
F591 .W48 Reel 61 no.591.1 Spanish exploration in the Southwest, 1542-1706 ... with three maps 1