Call Number (LC) Title Results
F591 .W48 Reel 442 no.4473 Sketches of Colorado valuable information obtained from personal observations of this new Eldorado 1
F591 .W48 Reel 442 no.4474 Observaciones del diputado saliente Manuel Crecencio Rejon contra los tratados de paz, firmados en la ciudad de Guadalupe el 2 del proximo pasado febrero, precedidas de la parte histörica relativa a la cuestion originaria 1
F591 .W48 Reel 442 no.4475 A relation of the invasion and conquest of Florida by the Spaniards, under the command of Fernando de Soto 1
F591 .W48 Reel 442 no.4476 Relacion historica de la segunda invasion que hicieron los Americanos en Tabasco, y de la conducta que observó en ella el Comandante general de aquel Estado D. Domingo Echagaray 1
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F591 .W48 Reel 442 no.4477 Relacion de las causas que influyeron en los desgraciados sucesos del día 20 de agosto de 1847 1
F591 .W48 Reel 442 no.4478 Relation de la Mission du Missisipi du Seminaire de Québec en 1700 1
F591 .W48 Reel 442 no.4480 Reliable information of how to reach the Black Hills gold fields of Dakota giving distances and rates of transportation 1
F591 .W48 Reel 442 no.4480.1 Remarks on the western states of America or valley of the Mississippi with suggestions to agricultural emigrants, miners, &c. 1
F591 .W48 Reel 442 no.4481 Done in the open 1
F591 .W48 Reel 442 no.4482 Drawings 1
F591 .W48 Reel 442 no.4483 Pony tracks 1
F591 .W48 Reel 442 no.4484 Remington's frontier sketches 1
F591 .W48 Reel 442 no.4485 The way of an Indian 1
F591 .W48 Reel 443 no.4486 Reminiscences of the Red River Rebellion of 1869 1
F591 .W48 Reel 443 no.4487 Charley Reynolds 1
F591 .W48 Reel 443 no.4488 Voyage au pays des Mormons relation--géographie--histoire naturelle--histoire--théologie--moeurs et coutumes 1
F591 .W48 Reel 443 no.4489 Memoirs, correspondence and reminiscences of William Renick 1
F591 .W48 Reel 443 no.4490 Guide book on Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache reservation with sectional map, also diagram of corner stones 1
F591 .W48 Reel 443 no.4491 A thrilling narrative of Indian captivity . 1
F591 .W48 Reel 443 no.4492 Memorial to Congress from a Committee of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, on the claims and faith of the Church 1