Call Number (LC) Title Results
F591 .W48 Reel 140 no.1479 Presentation of Dakota's claims, and memorial praying for admission. The constitution adopted by the convention held at Sioux Falls, Dakota, September, 1885 1
F591 .W48 Reel 140 no.1480 Resources of Dakota. An official publication 1
F591 .W48 Reel 140 no.1482 Proclamation! To the people of Dakota territory the undersigned ... is instructed by ... Lieut-Gen'l W. T. Sherman, commanding this military division, that if Dakota will organize a battalion of mounted men ... it will be ... used in connection with the regular troops, for the suppression of Indian Hostilities 1
F591 .W48 Reel 140 no.1482.1 Circular to the farmers, manufacturers and miners of Dakota territory. Yankton, Aug. 20, 1877 1
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F591 .W48 Reel 140 no.1483 An act to incorporate the City of Deadwood, Dakota Territory 1
F591 .W48 Reel 140 no.1483.1 A memorial to the Congress of the United States ... praying for the division of Dakota and for the admission of the southern portion as a state. Passed January 19, 1885 1
F591 .W48 Reel 140 no.1484 The free lands of Dakota with a description of the country; the climate; the beautiful valleys, and ocean-like prairies; the crops; the land laws, and the inducements offered to immigrants 1
F591 .W48 Reel 140 no.1485 Dakota. Proofs in support of the protest against its admission as a state 1
F591 .W48 Reel 140 no.1487 Le Beau, Dakota, 1884 1
F591 .W48 Reel 140 no.1487.1 Saint Paul, M. T., December 15, 1851. Sir: we have just received the last report of the Hon. L. Lee, commissioner of Indian affairs at Washington City ... Dakotah 1
F591 .W48 Reel 140 no.1488 The range cattle industry 1
F591 .W48 Reel 140 no.1488.1 The Ashley-Smith explorations and the discovery of a central route to the Pacific, 1822-1829, with the original journals 1
F591 .W48 Reel 140 no.1489 Adventures and exploits of the Younger brothers, Missouri's most daring outlaws 1
F591 .W48 Reel 141 no.1490 Alaska and its resources . 1
F591 .W48 Reel 141 no.1491 San Juan, Alaska, and the north-west boundary 1
F591 .W48 Reel 141 no.1492 Tracks and trails; or, Incidents in the life of a Minnesota territorial pioneer 1
F591 .W48 Reel 141 no.1493 Plan for promoting the fur-trade, and securing it to this country, by uniting the operations of the East-India and Hudson's Bay companys 1
F591 .W48 Reel 141 no.1494 The Spanish pretensions fairly discussed 1
F591 .W48 Reel 141 no.1495 Under the black flag 1
F591 .W48 Reel 141 no.1496 Pack transportation, Quartermaster's Department 1