Call Number (LC) Title Results
EP 2.8:2004015656 Guidance manual for the identification of hazardous wastes delivered to publicly owned treatment works by truck, rail, or dedicated pipe 1
EP 2.8:2004015659 Guidance manual for preventing interference at POTWs 1
EP 2.8:2004015662 Control of slug loadings to POTWs guidance manual 1
EP 2.8:2004015668 Storm water management for industrial activities developing pollution prevention plans and best management practices--summary guidance 1
EP 2.8:2004015669 Pretreatment compliance inspection and audit manual for approval authorities 1
EP 2.8:2004015725 NPDES permit writers' manual 1
EP 2.8:2004015735 Multijurisdictional pretreatment programs guidance manual 1
EP 2.8:2004015751 Combined sewer overflows guidance for funding options 1
EP 2.8:2004015763 Combined sewer overflows guidance for long-term control plan 1
EP 2.8:2004015765 Guidance manual on the development and implementation of local discharge limitations under the pretreatment program 1
EP 2.8:2004015797 Guidance for implementing RCRA permit-by-rule requirements at POTWs 1
EP 2.8:2004015803 Guidance for the preparation of discharge monitoring reports facilities required to report semi-annual monitoring results under NPDES storm water general permits 1
EP 2.8:2004015805 Guidance for the determination of appropriate methods for the detection of section 313 water priority chemicals 1
EP 2.8:2004015817 Interim guidance for performance-based reductions of NPDES permit monitoring frequencies 1
EP 2.8:2004015830 Wastewater primer 1
EP 2.8:2004015863 Land application of sewage sludge a guide for land appliers on the requirements of the federal standards for the use or disposal of sewage sludge, 40 CFR part 503 1
EP 2.8:2004016017 Guidance coordinating CSO long-term planning with water quality standards reviews 1
EP 2.8:2004016030 Interagency 316(a) technical guidance manual and guide for thermal effects sections of nuclear facilities environmental impact statements 1
EP 2.8:2004016044 Guidance for people with severely weakened immune systems 1
EP 2.8:2004016051 Instructions to assist community water systems in complying with the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002 1