Call Number (LC) Title Results
EP 2.2:2004025375 Wetlands protection using the Clean Water State Revolving Fund 1
EP 2.2:2004025376 Wetland monitoring & assessment a technical framework 1
EP 2.2:2004025377 A handbook of constructed wetlands : a guide to creating wetlands for agricultural wastewater, domestic wastewater, coal mine drainage, stormwater in the Mid-Atlantic Region 1
EP 2.2:2004025379 Subsurface flow constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment a technology assessment 1
EP 2.2:2004025380 Clean Water Act section 404(q)--memorandum of agreement memorandum of agreement between the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of the Army 1
EP 2.2:2004025381 Memorandum between the Department of the Army and the Environmental Protection Agency federal enforcement for the section 404 program of the Clean Water Act 1
EP 2.2:2004025382 Federal guidance on the use of in-lieu-fee arrangements for compensatory mitigation under section 404 of the Clean Water Act and section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act 1
EP 2.2:2004025383 Memorandum of agreement between the Department of the Army and the Environmental Protection Agency the determination of mitigation under the Clean Water Act Section 404(b)(1) guidelines 1
EP 2.2:2004025384 National guidance water quality standards for wetlands 1
EP 2.2:2004025385 Principles for the ecological restoration of aquatic resources 1
EP 2.2:2004025386 Tribal wetland program highlights 1
EP 2.2:2004025387 America's wetlands our vital link between land and water 1
EP 2.2:2004025389 Wetland bioassessment fact sheets 1
EP 2.2:2004025390 Glossary of bioassessment terms 1
EP 2.2:2004025391 Applications of biological assessments in wetlands 1
EP 2.2:2004025392 Biological assessment of wetlands workgroup (BAWWG) 1
EP 2.2:2004025393 Wetland bioassessment projects 1
EP 2.2:2004025394 Developing an index of biological integrity 1
EP 2.2:2004025395 Wetland biological assessments and HGM functional assessment 1
EP 2.2:2004025396 Water quality standards 1