Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED 1.302:C 43/23/2004 Helping your child learn history with activities for children in preschool through grade 5. 1
ED 1.302:C 43/24 Helping your child learn responsible behavior : with activities for children 1
ED 1.302:C 43/25 Educating young children prenatally exposed to drugs and at risk : report and resource compendium 1
ED 1.302:C 43/26 Helping your child be healthy and fit : with activities for children aged 4 through 11 1
ED 1.302:C 43/27 How can we enable children to live a drug-free life? 1
ED 1.302:C 43/28 Access to early childhood programs for children at risk 1
ED 1.302:C 43/29 Report focuses on Access to early childhood programs for children at risk 1
ED 1.302:C 43/30/998 Early childhood longitudinal study : kindergarten class of 1998-99 1
ED 1.302:C 43/31 Studies of education reform. Early childhood reform in seven communities : front-line practice, agency management, and public policy 1
ED 1.302:C 43/32/998 Including your child 1
ED 1.302:C 43/33 How can I support my gifted child? 1
ED 1.302:C 43/34 Early childhood, where learning begins : geography : with activities for children ages 2 to 5 years of age 1
ED 1.302:C 43/35 Helping your child learn math 1
ED 1.302:C 43/35/SPAN. Cómo ayudar a su hijo a aprender las matemáticas 1
ED 1.302:C 43/36/2002 Helping your child become a reader : with activities for children from infancy through age 6. 1
ED 1.302:C 43/36/2005/SPAN Cómo ayudar a su hijo a ser un buen lector con actividades para los niños desde el nacimineto hasta los 6 años 1
ED 1.302:C 43/38 Helping your preschool child : with activities for children from infancy through age 5. 1
ED 1.302:C 43/38/SPAN Como ayudar a su hijo durante la edad preescolar con actividades para los ninos desde el nacimiento hasta los 5 anos 1
ED 1.302:C 43/39 Helping your child with homework : for parents of children in elementary through middle school 1
ED 1.302:C 43/40 After-school reading 1