Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED 1.2:C 66/2/991-93 Federal Family Education Loan Program FY 1991, FY 1992, and FY 1993 cohort default rates for schools 1
ED 1.2:C 66/2/992-94 Federal Family Education Loan Program FY 1992, FY 1993, and FY 1993 cohort default rates for schools 1
ED 1.2:C 66/2/992-94/LOSS Schools subject to the loss of eligibility to participate in the Federal Family Education Loan Program FY 1992, FY 1993, and FY 1994 1
ED 1.2:C 66/2/992-94/SCHOOLS Schools subject to limitation, suspension, or termination from all Title IV Student Financial Aid programs 1
ED 1.2:C 66/4/992/SCHOOLS Schools subject to limitation, suspension, or termination action of all Title IV programs due to excessive FY 1992 cohort default rate 1
ED 1.2:C 66/4/996/SCHOOLS Schools subject to limitation, suspension, or termination action of all Title IV programs due to excessive FY 1996 cohort default rate 1
ED 1.2:C 66/5/990-92/LOSS Schools subject to the loss of eligibility to participate in the Federal Family Education Loan Program due to FY 1990, FY 1991, and FY 1992 cohort default rates of 25.0% or greater schools with extended loss listed separately 1
ED 1.2:C 66/5/994-96/LOSS Schools subject to the loss of eligibility to participate in the Federal Family Education Loan Program and/or Direct Loan Program due to FY 1994, FY 1995, and FY 1996 cohort default rates of 25.0% or greater 1
ED 1.2:C 66/6/994-96 Schools subject to extension of loss of eligibility to participate in the Federal Family Education Loan Program and/or Direct Loan Program due to FY 1994, FY 1995, and FY 1996 cohort default rates of 25.0% or greater 1
ED 1.2:C 66/987-89 FY 87-88-89 cohort default rates 1
ED 1.2:C 66/991 FY 1991 cohort default rates for originating lenders/holders 1
ED 1.2:C 68 A college course map : taxonomy and transcript data based on the postsecondary records, 1972-1984, of the high school class of 1972 1
ED 1.2:C 68/2/v.1 A review of programs involving college students as tutors or mentors in grades K-12 1
ED 1.2:C 68/3/996-97 Preparing your child for college : a resource book for parents 1
ED 1.2:C 68/3/SPAN. Preparando a sus hijos para la universidad : guía para padres 1
ED 1.2:C 68/4 Principles for collaboration on evaluation : an agreement between the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Department of Education
College- and career-ready students
ED 1.2:C 68/5 America goes back to school : how colleges get involved : an initiative of the partnership for family involvement in education and the U.S. Department of Education 1
ED 1.2:C 68/6 Factors related to college enrollment : final report 1
ED 1.2:C 68/7 Paying for college : with federal student aid 1
ED 1.2:C 68/8 Paying for college? : reduce your taxes by up to $1,500 or more a year! : the Hope & Lifetime Learning education tax credits 1