Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 9.22:NREL/PR-2C 00-79167 Machine learning for gearbox fault prediction by using both SCADA and modeled data 1
E 9.22:NREL/PR-2C 00-80006 NREL HPC FY22 allocation webinar 1
E 9.22:NREL/PR-3 B 10-58121 Results of first outdoor comparison between Absolute Cavity Pyrgeometer (ACP) and Infrared Integrating Sphere (IRIS) Radiometer at PMOD 1
E 9.22:NREL/PR-3 B 10-61147 Results of a second outdoor comparison between Absolute Cavity Pyregeometer (ACP) and Infrared Integrating Sphere (IRIS) radiometer at PMOD 1
E 9.22:NREL/PR-3 B 10-61270 Uncertainty estimates for SIRS, SKYRAD & GNDRAD data and reprocessing the pyrgeometer data 1
E 9.22:NREL/PR-4 A 00-80270 Building a just transition to a sustainable energy future 1
E 9.22:NREL/PR 4A 00-75097 GeoVision : Barriers Task Force 1
E 9.22:NREL/PR-5 A 00-61853 2014 water power program peer review 1
E 9.22:NREL/PR-5 C 00-78104 Adapting existing energy models for resilience analysis 1
E 9.22:NREL/PR-5 C 00-78786 Insights from NREL's electrification futures and LA100 studies 1
E 9.22:NREL/PR-5 C 00-79994 Demystifying power system oscillations - recent and ongoing efforts 1
E 9.22:NREL/PR-5 C 00-80057 Long-run marginal CO₂e emission rates for end-use electricity consumption in the state of Washington 1
E 9.22:NREL/PR-5 C 00-80167 Electrification futures study : power systems operation with newly electrified and flexible loads 1
E 9.22:NREL/PR-5 C 00-80259 The solar curtailment paradox 1
E 9.22:NREL/PR 5 C 00-80366 Storage futures study : four phases framework and modeling 1
E 9.22:NREL/PR-5 C 00-80488 A machine learning framework for bridging the gap between the steady-state scheduling and dynamic security operation for future power grids 1
E 9.22:NREL/PR-5 C 00-80541 Evaluating distributed generation cost and resilience with REopt Lite 1
E 9.22:NREL/PR-5 C 00-80979 Task 25 webinar : design and operation of energy systems with large amounts of variable generation 1
E 9.22:NREL/PR-5 D 0-60249 The Western Wind and Solar Integration Study Phase 2 1
E 9.22:NREL/PR-5 D 00-60465 Metrics for evaluating the accuracy of solar power forecasting 1