Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 9.17:NREL/CP-2 C 00-52624 Step-stress accelerated degradation testing for solar reflectors preprint 1
E 9.17:NREL/CP-2 C 00-60742 FAST modular wind turbine CAE tool : nonmatching spatial and temporal meshes : preprint 1
E 9.17:NREL/CP-2 C 00-62309 Computational modeling of degradation of substituted benzyltrimethyl ammonium preprint 1
E 9.17:NREL/CP-2 C 00-65998 Simulation exploration through immersive parallel planes : preprint 1
E 9.17:NREL/CP-2 C 00-75363 Scenario creation and power-conditioning strategies for operating power grids with two-stage stochastic economic dispatch : preprint 1
E 9.17:NREL/CP-2 C 00-76098 The ESIF-HPC-2 benchmark suite : preprint 1
E 9.17:NREL/CP-2 C 00-76783 Collaborative exploration of scientific datasets using immersive and statistical visualization : preprint 1
E 9.17:NREL/CP-2 C 00-76996 Distributed macroscopic traffic simulation with open traffic models : preprint 1
E 9.17:NREL/CP-2 C 00-77116 Restoring distribution system under renewable uncertainty using reinforcement learning : preprint 1
E 9.17:NREL/CP-2 C 00-77496 HydrogenAR : interactive data-driven presentation of dispenser reliability: preprint 1
E 9.17:NREL/CP-2 C 00-77933 Transferable reinforcement learning for smart homes : preprint 1
E 9.17:NREL/CP-2 C 00-78351 Restoring critical loads in resilient distribution systems using a curriculum learned controller : preprint 1
E 9.17:NREL/CP-2 C 00-79645 Preparing an incompressible-flow fluid dynamics code for exascale-class wind energy simulations : preprint 1
E 9.17:NREL/CP-2 C 00-80232 Improving the performance of DGEMM with MoA and cache-blocking : preprint 1
E 9.17:NREL/CP-2 C 00-80263 Two-stage Gauss-Seidel preconditioners and smoothers for Krylov solvers on a GPU cluster: preprint 1
E 9.17:NREL/CP-2 C 00-80343 Neumann series in MGS-GMRES and inner-outer iterations : preprint 1
E 9.17:NREL/CP-2 C 00-80530 Threaded multi-core GEMM with MoA and cache-blocking : preprint 1
E 9.17:NREL/CP-2 C 00-80547 Structure perception in 3D point clouds : preprint 1
E 9.17:NREL/CP-2 C 00-81068 Estimating energy market schedules using historical price data : preprint 1
E 9.17:NREL/CP-2 C 00-81440 A hybrid reinforcement learning-MPC approach for distribution system critical load restoration : preprint 1