Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.177:DOE/GO-102012-3526 Developing an energy performance modeling startup kit 1
E 1.177:DOE/GO-102012-3531 Measure guideline evaporative condensers 1
E 1.177:DOE/GO-102012-3532 An in-depth look at ground source heat pumps and other electric loads in two GreenMax homes 1
E 1.177:DOE/GO-102012-3544 Building a new energy future with wind power 1
E 1.177:DOE/GO-102012-3556 National green building standard analysis 1
E 1.177:DOE/GO-102012-3575 Fort Benning Indianhead townhome renovations 1
E 1.177:DOE/GO-102012-3577 Measured performance of occupied, side-by-side, south Texas homes 1
E 1.177:DOE/GO-102012-3580 Strategy guideline, demonstration home 1
E 1.177:DOE/GO-102012-3591 Quality assurance strategy for existing homes final quality management primer for high performing homes 1
E 1.177:DOE/GO-102012-3600 Expert meeting report : key innovations for adding energy efficiency to maintenance projects 1
E 1.177:DOE/GO-102012-3602 Strategy guideline proper water heater selection 1
E 1.177:DOE/GO-102012-3626 Hot water distribution system model enhancements 1
E 1.177:DOE/GO-102012-3628 High-R walls for remodeling wall cavity moisture monitoring 1
E 1.177:DOE/GO-102012-3631 Retrofit audits and cost estimates : a look at quality and consistency 1
E 1.177:DOE/GO-102012-3632 Sonoma House : monitoring of the first U.S. passive house retrofit 1
E 1.177:DOE/GO-102012-3633 Measure guideline : window repair, rehabilitation, and replacement 1
E 1.177:DOE/GO-102012-3638 Measure guideline installing rigid foam insulation on the interior of existing brick walls 1
E 1.177:DOE/GO-102012-3656 Measure guideline energy-efficient window performance and selection 1
E 1.177:DOE/GO-102012-3682 Measure guideline wall air sealing and insulation methods in existing homes : an overview of opportunity and process 1
E 1.177:DOE/GO-102012-3683 Residential feedback devices and programs : opportunities for natural gas 1