Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.177:DOE/GO-102011-3305 Doing business with the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy 1
E 1.177:DOE/GO-102011-3319 Performance evaluation and opportunity assessment for St. Bernard Project 1
E 1.177:DOE/GO-102011-3321 Field test protocol standard internal load generation for unoccupied test homes 1
E 1.177:DOE/GO-102011-3342 1st Advanced Marine Renewable Energy Instrumentation Experts Workshop [held] April 5-7, 2011, at the Renaissance Hotel in Broomfield, CO 1
E 1.177:DOE/GO-102011-3381 Building America expert meeting report transitioning traditional HVAC contractors to whole house performance contractors 1
E 1.177:DOE/GO-102011-3383 Building America expert meeting report hydronic heating in multifamily buildings 1
E 1.177:DOE/GO-102011-3421 Measure guideline summary of interior ducts in new construction, including an efficient, affordable method to install fur-down interior ducts 1
E 1.177:DOE/GO-102011-3441 Strategy guideline quality management in existing homes : cantilever floor example 1
E 1.177:DOE/GO-102011-3443 Technical barriers, gaps, and opportunities related to home energy upgrade market delivery 1
E 1.177:DOE/GO-102011-3447 Energy savings measure packages existing homes 1
E 1.177:DOE/GO-102011-3572 Winchester/Camberley Homes new construction test house design, construction, and short-term testing in a mixed-humud climate 1
E 1.177:DOE/GO-102012-3385 Measure guideline air sealing mechanical closets in slab-on-grade homes 1
E 1.177:DOE/GO-102012-3406 Minimize boiler blowdown 1
E 1.177:DOE/GO-102012-3442 Strategy guideline HVAC equipment sizing 1
E 1.177:DOE/GO-102012-3456 Measure guideline heat pump water heaters in new and existing homes 1
E 1.177:DOE/GO-102012-3469 Byggmeister test home cold climate multifamily masonry building condition assessment and retrofit analysis 1
E 1.177:DOE/GO-102012-3471 Strategy guideline high performance residential lighting 1
E 1.177:DOE/GO-102012-3483 Expert meeting report : recommendations for applying water heaters in combination space and domestic water heating systems 1
E 1.177:DOE/GO-102012-3487 Achieving very high efficiency and net zero energy in an existing home in a hot-humid climate long-term utility and preliminary monitoring data 1
E 1.177:DOE/GO-102012-3489 Long-term results : new construction occupied test house, Urbana, Illinois 1