Call Number (LC) Title Results
C 55.13/2:NMFS-AFSC-202 Are we asking the right questions in science and management? 1
C 55.13/2:NMFS-AFSC-204 Results of the 2009 eastern Bering Sea continental shelf bottom trawl survey of groundfish and invertebrate resources 1
C 55.13/2:NMFS-AFSC-205 Catch sampling and estimation in the federal groundfish fisheries off Alaska 1
C 55.13/2:NMFS-AFSC-207 Population status of the eastern North Pacific stock of gray whales in 2009 1
C 55.13/2:NMFS-AFSC-208 Data report 2009 Gulf of Alaska bottom trawl survey 1
C 55.13/2:NMFS-AFSC-209 Results from the April 2009 Gulf of Alaska Line Transect Survey (GOALS) in the Navy training exercise area 1
C 55.13/2:NMFS-AFSC-210 Fish fauna in nearshore waters of a barrier island in the western Beaufort Sea, Alaska 1
C 55.13/2:NMFS-AFSC-211 Status review of the bearded seal (Erignathus barbatus) 1
C 55.13/2:NMFS-AFSC-212 Status review of the ringed seal (Phoca hispida) 1
C 55.13/2:NMFS-AFSC-214 Saltwater sportfishing in Alaska a summary and description of the Alaska saltwater sportfishing economic survey, 2007 1
C 55.13/2:NMFS-AFSC-217 Post-rationalization restructuring of commercial crew member opportunities in Bering Sea and Aleutian Island crab fisheries 1
C 55.13/2:NMFS-AFSC-218 Diving behaviors and movements of juvenile Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) captured in the central Aleutian Islands, April 2005 1
C 55.13/2:NMFS-AFSC-219 Statistical combination of multifrequency sounder-detected bottom lines reduces bottom integrations 1
C 55.13/2:NMFS-AFSC-224 Results of the 2010 eastern Bering Sea upper continental slope survey of groundfish and invertebrate resources 1
C 55.13/2:NMFS-AFSC-227 Results of the 2010 eastern and northern Bering Sea continental shelf bottom trawl survey of groundfish and invertebrate fauna 1
C 55.13/2:NMFS-AFSC-229 Diet of nineteen mesopelagic fishes in the Gulf of Alaska 1
C 55.13/2:NMFS-AFSC-230 Improving community profiles for the North Pacific fisheries 1
C 55.13/2:NMFS-AFSC-231 Benthic invertebrates of the eastern Bering Sea a synopsis of the life history and ecology of snails of the genus Neptunea 1
C 55.13/2:NMFS-AFSC-232 Genetic stock composition analysis of chinook salmon bycatch samples from the 2010 Bering Sea trawl fisheries 1
C 55.13/2:NMFS-AFSC-233 Genetic stock composition analysis of chum salmon bycatch samples from the 2010 Bering Sea groundfish fisheries 1