Call Number (LC) Title Results
AE 2.110:104-326 An Act to Extend Contracts between the Bureau of Reclamation and Irrigation Districts in Kansas and Nebraska, and for Other Purposes 1
AE 2.110:104-327 An Act to Make Technical Corrections to the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 1
AE 2.110:104-328 An Act to Provide for the Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations to Continue in Existence, and for Other Purposes 1
AE 2.110:104-329 An Act to Establish United States Commemorative Coin Programs, and for Other Purposes 1
AE 2.110:104-330 Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996 1
AE 2.110:104-331 An Act to Make Certain Laws Applicable to the Executive Office of the President, and for Other Purposes 1
AE 2.110:104-332 An Act to Provide for Ballast Water Management to Prevent the Introduction and Spread of Nonindigenous Species into the Waters of the United States, and for Other Purposes 1
AE 2.110:104-333 An Act to Provide for the Administration of Certain Presidio Properties at Minimal Cost to the Federal Taxpayer, and for Other Purposes 1
AE 2.110:105-1 Joint Resolution Making Technical Corrections to the Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Act, 1997 (Public Law 104-208), and for Other Purposes 1
AE 2.110:105-2 Airport and Airway Trust Fund Tax Reinstatement Act of 1997 1
AE 2.110:105-4 An Act to Designate the Facility of the United States Postal Service under Construction at 7411 Barlite Boulevard in San Antonio, Texas, as the "Frank M. Tejeda Post Office Building." 1
AE 2.110:105-5 Joint Resolution Waiving Certain Provisions of the Trade Act of 1974 Relating to the Appointment of the United States Trade Representative 1
AE 2.110:105-6 An Act to Amend Title 18, United States Code, to Give Further Assurance to the Right of Victims of Crime to Attend and Observe the Trials of Those Accused of the Crime 1
AE 2.110:105-83 An Act Making Appropriations for the Department of the Interior and Related Agencies for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 1998, and for Other Purposes 1
AE 2.110:105-132 An Act to Provide Certain Benefits of the Pick-Sloan Missouri River Basin Program to the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe, and for Other Purposes 1
AE 2.110:105-178 An Act to Authorize Funds for Federal-Aid Highways, Highway Safety Programs, and Transit Programs, and for Other Purposes 1
AE 2.110:105-201 Joint Resolution Approving the Location of a Martin Luther King, Jr., Memorial in the Nation's Capital 1
AE 2.110:106-80 An Act to Amend Title 4, United States Code, to Add the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday to the List of Days on Which the Flag Should Especially be Displayed 1
AE 2.110:106-102 Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act 1
AE 2.110:106-176 An Act to Make Technical Corrections to the Omnibus Parks and Public Lands Management Act of 1996 and to Other Laws Related to Parks and Public Lands 1