Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 13.79:RMRS-RN-64 A comprehensive guide to fuel management practices for dry mixed conifer forests in the northwestern United States : inventory and model-based economic analysis of mechanical fuel treatments 1
A 13.79:RMRS-RN-65 Ozone monitoring at remote sites using low-power instrumentation 1
A 13.79:RMRS-RN-66 Living with wildfire in Log Hill Mesa, Colorado 1
A 13.79:RMRS-RN-67 Living with wildfire in Delta County, Colorado : cross-community comparisons 1
A 13.79:RMRS-RN-68 New Mexico forest inventory and analysis : American Recovery and Reinvestment project field report 2010-2012 1
A 13.79:RMRS-RN-69 Post-fire erosion control mulches alter belowground processes and nitrate reductase activity of a perennial forb, heartleaf Arnica (Arnica cordifolia) 1
A 13.79:RMRS-RN-70 Planning for land use and conservation : assessing GIS-based conservation software for land use planning 1
A 13.79:RMRS-RN-71 Assessing the expected effects of wildfire on vegetation condition on the Bridger-Teton National Forest, Wyoming, USA 1
A 13.79:RMRS-RN-72 Auxiliary VHF transmitter to aid recovery of solar Argos/GPS PTTs 1
A 13.79:RMRS-RN-73 A 20-year reassessment of the health and status of Whitebark Pine Forests in the Bob Marshall Wilderness Comlpex, Montana, USA 1
A 13.79:RMRS-RN-74 Bayesian techniques for surface fuel loading estimation 2
A 13.79:RMRS-RN-82 Design of a workshop process to support consideration of natural range of variation and climate change for land management planning under the 2012 planning rule 1
A 13.79:RMRS-RN-84 The Rio Grande National Forest climate change revision workshop : designing a science-management collaborative process to address 2012 planning rule climate change concerns at the forest plan scale 1
A 13.79:RMRS-RN-85 Ponderosa pine mortality in the Bob Marshall Wilderness after successive fires over 14 years
Intermountain Region-Rocky Mountain Research Station, Science Partner Program : a road map to connecting Forest Service science and management
A 13.79:SA 9/ Estimating sawmill processing capacity for Tongass timber 1
A 13.79:SE-273 The introduced pine sawfly, a defoliator of white pine new to North Carolina 1
A 13.79:SE-279 Laboratory screening and field bioassays of insecticides for controlling the balsam woolly adelgid in southern Appalachia 1
A 13.79:SE-300 Comparison of five woody species for reclamation of an upper coastal plain spoil bank 1
A 13.79:SE-301 Performance of Choctawhatchee sand pine seedlings inoculated with ectomycorrhizal fungi and outplanted in the sandhills of North Florida 1
A 13.79:SE-302 Bioassay of pine bark extracts as biting stimulants for the southern pine beetle 1