Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 13.79:RMRS-RN-51 WWW Predicted down woody fuel consumption in the Burnup model : sensitivity to four user inputs 1
A 13.79:RMRS-RN-52 Comparison of Kalman filters in combining panel data from the annual inventory system of the South Korea national forest inventory 1
A 13.79:RMRS-RN-53 WWW An apparent case of long-distance breeding dispersal by a Mexican spotted owl in New Mexico 1
A 13.79:RMRS-RN-54 Turbidity changes during culvert to bridge upgrades at Carmen Creek, Idaho 1
A 13.79:RMRS-RN-55 Assessing high reliability practices in wildland fire management : an exploration and benchmarking of organizational culture 1
A 13.79:RMRS-RN-57 Understanding change : wildfire in Boulder County, Colorado 1
A 13.79:RMRS-RN-58 Understanding change : wildfire in Larimer County, Colorado 1
A 13.79:RMRS-RN-59 Stratifying to reduce bias caused by high nonresponse rates : a case study from New Mexico's forest inventory 1
A 13.79:RMRS-RN-60 Insights from a harvest trip model for non-timber forest products in the interior of Alaska 1
A 13.79:RMRS-RN-61 A comprehensive guide to fuel management practices for dry mixed conifer forests in the northwestern United States : mechanical, chemical, and biological fuel treatment methods 1
A 13.79:RMRS-RN-62 A comprehensive guide to fuel management practices for dry mixed conifer forests in the northwestern United States : prescribed fire 1
A 13.79:RMRS-RN-63 A comprehensive guide to fuel management practices for dry mixed conifer forests in the northwestern United States : monitoring 1
A 13.79:RMRS-RN-64 A comprehensive guide to fuel management practices for dry mixed conifer forests in the northwestern United States : inventory and model-based economic analysis of mechanical fuel treatments 1
A 13.79:RMRS-RN-65 Ozone monitoring at remote sites using low-power instrumentation 1
A 13.79:RMRS-RN-66 Living with wildfire in Log Hill Mesa, Colorado 1
A 13.79:RMRS-RN-67 Living with wildfire in Delta County, Colorado : cross-community comparisons 1
A 13.79:RMRS-RN-68 New Mexico forest inventory and analysis : American Recovery and Reinvestment project field report 2010-2012 1
A 13.79:RMRS-RN-69 Post-fire erosion control mulches alter belowground processes and nitrate reductase activity of a perennial forb, heartleaf Arnica (Arnica cordifolia) 1
A 13.79:RMRS-RN-70 Planning for land use and conservation : assessing GIS-based conservation software for land use planning 1
A 13.79:RMRS-RN-71 Assessing the expected effects of wildfire on vegetation condition on the Bridger-Teton National Forest, Wyoming, USA 1