Call Number (LC) Title Results
Y 1.1/7:113-103 Continuation of the national emergency with respect to Somalia : message from the President of the United States, transmitting notification that the national emergency with respect to Somalia originally declared on April 12, 2010, by Executive Order 13536, is to continue in effect beyond April 12, 2014 1
Y 1.1/7:113-105/ Boston Harbor Massachusetts Deep Draft Navigation Improvement Project : communication from the Assistant Secretary, Civil Works, The Department of Defense, transmitting the final feasibility report and final supplemental environmental impact statement 1
Y 1.1/7:113-106 Request for FY 2015 budget amendments : communication from the President of the United States transmitting FY 2015 budget amendments for the Departments of Agriculture, Defense, Energy, Homeland Security, the Interior, and State, as well as the National Science Foundation and the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia 1
Y 1.1/7:113-107 Withdrawal of Russia as a beneficiary developing country under the Generalized System of Preferences : message from the President of the United States transmitting notification of the withdrawal of Russia as a beneficiary developing country under the Generalized System of Preferences Program 1
Y 1.1/7:113-108 Continuation of the national emergency with respect to Syria : message from the President of the United States transmitting notification that the national emergency with respect to Syria, originally declared on May 11, 2004, by Executive Order 13338, is to continue in effect beyond May 11, 2014 1
Y 1.1/7:113-109 Agreement for cooperation between the Government of the US and the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam concerning peaceful uses of nuclear energy : message from the President of the United States transmitting the text of a proposed agreement for cooperation between the government of the United States of America and the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam concerning peaceful uses of nuclear energy, pursuant to 42 U.S.C 2153 (b), (d) 1
Y 1.1/7:113-110 Continuation of the national emergency with respect to Yemen : communication from the President of the United States transmitting notification that the national emergency with respect to Yemen, originally declared on May 16, 2012 in Executive order 13611, is to continue in effect beyond May 16, 2014 1
Y 1.1/7:113-111 Blocking property of certain persons contributing to the conflict in the Central African Republic : communication from the President of the United States transmitting blocking property of certain persons contributing to the conflict in the Central African Republic, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A) 1
Y 1.1/7:113-112 Continuation of the national emergency with respect to Burma : communication from the President of the United States transmitting notification that the national emergency declared with respect to Burma is to continue beyond May 20, 2014, pursuant to 50 U.S.C. 1622(d) 1
Y 1.1/7:113-113 Continuation of the national emergency with respect to the stabilization of Iraq : communication from the President of the United States transmitting notification that the continuation of the national emergency with respect to the stabilization of Iraq is to continue in effect beyond May 22, 2014, pursuant to 50 U.S.C. 1622(d) 1
Y 1.1/7:113-115 Deployment of U.S. military personnel to Chad: communication from the President of the United States transmitting a letter informing the congress that approximately 80 U.S. armed forces personnel were deployed to Chad as part of the U.S. efforts to locate and support the safe return of over 200 schoolgirls who are reported to have been kidnapped in Nigeria 1
Y 1.1/7:113-117 Ending immunitites granted to the development fund for Iraq and certain other Iraqi property and interests in property pursuant to Executive Order 13303, as amended : communication from the President of the United States transmitting notification that an Executive Order terminating the prohibitions in section 1 of Executive Order 13303 of May 22, 2003, as amended has been issued, pursuant to 50 U.S.C. 1622(d) 1
Y 1.1/7:113-119 Deployment of U.S. military personnel in Iraq : communication from the President of the United States transmitting a letter informing the Congress that approximately 275 U.S. armed forces personnel were deployed to Iraq to support the security of U.S. personnel and the embassy 1
Y 1.1/7:113-120 Designation of the Chair and Vice Chair of the International Trade Commission : message from the President of the United States transmitting notification of the designation of Meredith M. Broadbent as Chair and Dean A. Pinkert as Vice Chair of the United States International Trade Commission, effective June 17, 2014, pursuant to 19 U.S.C. 1330(c)(1) 1
Y 1.1/7:113-122 Continuation of the national emergency with respect to the disposition of Russian highly enriched uranium : message from the President of the United States transmitting notification that the continuation of the national emergency with respect to the disposition of Russian highly enriched uranium declared in Executive Order 13617 is to continue in effect beyond June 25, 2014 1
Y 1.1/7:113-123 Continuation of the national emergency with respect to the western Balkans : message from the President of the United States transmitting notification that the national emergency declared with respect to the western Balkans must continue in effect beyond June 26, 2014, pursuant to 50 U.S.C. 1622(d) 1
Y 1.1/7:113-124 Continuation of the national emergency with respect to North Korea : message from the President of the United States transmitting a notification that the national emergency, declared in Executive Order 13466 of June 26, 2008, is to continue in effect beyond June 26, 2014, pursuant to 50 U.S.C. 1622(d) 1
Y 1.1/7:113-125 Additional deployment of U.S. military personnel in Iraq : communication from the President of the United States transmitting a notification of further measure in response to the situation in Iraq 1
Y 1.1/7:113-126 Fiscal year 2015 budget amendments for the Department of Defense and Department of State and other international programs : communication from the President of the United States transmitting fiscal year 2015 budget amendments to fund overseas contingency operations 1
Y 1.1/7:113-127 Additional deployment of U.S. military personnel in Iraq : communication from the President of the United States transmitting a notification of further measures in response to the situation in Iraq 1