Call Number (LC) Title Results
TEI 73 Reconnaissance for radioactive deposits in the Hyder district, southeastern Alaska, 1949 1
TEI 74-A Trace elements reconnaissance in the Jakolof Bay area, southern Alaska 1
TEI 76-A Examination for radioactivity in a copper-lode prospect on Ruby Creek, Kobuk River Valley, Alaska 1
TEI 82 Application of gamma-ray logs of oil wells to the discovery of radioactive ore 1
TEI 83 Progress on detection of radioactivity by airborne equipment 1
TEI 85 Distribution of uranium in the Florida phosphate field 1
TEI 86 Geologic guides to carnotite deposits on the Colorado Plateau 1
TEI 87 Semi-quantitative determination of uranium and stratigraphic correlation by gamma-ray logging of drill holes in carnotite deposits 1
TEI 100 Preliminary results of prospecting of the "leached" zone over phosphate deposits in NW 1/4 of sec. 9, T. 31 S., R. 25 E., Polk County, Florida 1
TEI 102 A mineralogical and chemical study of the leached zone of the Bone Valley formation of Florida : a progress report 1
TEI 108 A preliminary report on methods of determining the age of Colorado plateau carnotite 1
TEI 109 The Uravan mineral belt 1
TEI 110 Progress of geologic studies, Colorado Plateau Project 1
TEI 112 Carnotite resources in the Charles T. area and vicinity, San Miguel County, Colorado 1
TEI 113 Carnotite resources in the radium group area, San Miguel County, Colorado 1
TEI 115 Carnotite resources of the Ellison and Burro claims, San Miguel County, Colorado 1
TEI 116 Carnotite resources of the Georgetown group of claims, San Miguel County, Colorado 1
TEI 118 The quantitative determination of calcite associated with carbonate-bearing apatites 1
TEI 119 Geologic guides to prospecting for carnotite deposits on the Colorado Plateau 1
TEI 120 An improved fluorimeter for the determination of uranium in fluoride melts 1