Call Number (LC) Title Results
Rec 121307 Don Sebastiano. In terra solo = On Earth Alone 1
Rec 121308 Elisir d'amore. Una furtiva lagrima = Elixir of Love - A Furtive Tear (Act 2) 1
Rec 121309 Le Régiment de Sambre et Meuse = The regiment of Sambre and Meuse 1
Rec 121310 Fenesta che lucive = The Shining Window 1
Rec 121311 Gioconda. Cielo e mar = Heaven and Ocean (Act 2) 1
Rec 121312 Nero. Ah, Mon Sort! (Oh, My Fate) (Act 2) 1
Rec 121313 Largo 1
Rec 121314 Salvator Rosa. Mia piccireila (My Little Girl) (Act 1) 1
Rec 121315 Ave Maria 1
Rec 121316 Elégie Mélodie 1
Rec 121317 Aïda. Celeste Aïda = Heavenly Aïda! : Preceded by the Recitative, Sequel guerrier io fossi! = If I Should be Chosen! (Act 1) ; Forza Del Destino. O tu che seno agli'angeli = Force of Destiny - Thou Heavenly One (Act 3) 1
Rec 121318 Aïda. Celeste Aïda : (Preceded by the Recitative) Je crois entendre encore. / Bizet 1
Rec 121319 Pagliacci. Vesti la giubba 1
Rec 121320 Marta. M'appari = Martha - Like a Dream (Act 3) 1
Rec 121321 Pagliacci. Vesti la giubba = On With the Play (Act 1) ; Pagliacci. No, Pagliaccio non son! = No, Punchinello, No More! (Act 2) 1
Rec 121322 Bohême. Racconto di Rodolfo = Rudolph's Narrative (Act 1) 1
Rec 121323 Faust. Salut, demeure = All Hail, Thou Dwelling Pure and Lowly (Act 3) 1
Rec 121324 Favorita. Spirto gentil = Spirit So Fair (Act 4) 1
Rec 121325 I Lombardi. Qual Voluttà Trascorrere = With Sacred Joy (Act 3) ; Attila. Te Sol Quest' Anima = To Thee My Heart Belongeth (Act 3) 1
Rec 121326 Cavalleria rusticana. Brindisi : Viva il Vino spumeggiante = Drinking Song : Hail the Red Wine Richly Flowing 1