Call Number (LC) Title Results
PREX 1.2:P 29 Pay for success investing in what works 1
PREX 1.2:P 31 A time for peace : promoting peace, the policy of the United States 1
PREX 1.2:P 31/2/ECONOMIC PROGRAMS Peace to Prosperity. The economic plan. Programs and projects 1
PREX 1.2:P 31/2/ECONOMIC VISION Peace to Prosperity. The economic plan. A new vision for the Palestinian people 1
PREX 1.2:P 31/2/ECONOMIC VISION/ARABIC Min al-salām ilá al-izdihār. Ruʼyā jadīdah lil-shaʻb al-Filasṭīnī 1
PREX 1.2:P 36 Speaker Pelosi, and Chairmen Engel, Schiff, and Cummings 1
PREX 1.2:P 66 Countering piracy off the Horn of Africa partnership & action plan 1
PREX 1.2:P 75 The Points of light movement : the President's report to the nation 1
PREX 1.2:P 76 Pollinator research action plan : report of the Pollinator Health Task Force 1
PREX 1.2:P 91 President Trump's letter to World Health Organization 1
PREX 1.2:P 94 Treatment protocol effectiveness study 1
PREX 1.2:P 96 Catalog of selected federal publications on illegal drug and alcohol abuse 1
PREX 1.2:R 26/2 Regional community briefings on HIV/AIDS : a report from the Office of National AIDS Policy 1
PREX 1.2:R 26/3 United States-Canada regulatory cooperation council joint action plan 1
PrEx 1.2:R 26/ph.2 Regulatory reform : the administration's implementation status report on the National Governors' Association's regulatory reform initiatives, phase II 1
PREX 1.2:R 28 From containment to enlargement : remarks of Anthony Lake 1
PREX 1.2:R 28/2 Remarks by President Clinton in the ceremony for the signing of the Israel-Palestinan agreement 1
PREX 1.2:R 29 The 1776 report 1
PREX 1.2:SE 2 Classified national security information : E.O. 12958 and its implementing directives 1
PREX 1.2:SE 2/1 Summary of the 2018 critical infrastructure security and resilience stakeholder workshop : product of the Subcommittee on Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience, Committee on Homeland and National Security of the National Science & Technology Council, February 28, 2018 1