Call Number (LC) Title Results
Map GP-833 Aeromagnetic map of Gladstone and vicinity, Delta, Alger, Menominee, and Marquette Counties, Michigan 1
Map GP-834 Aeromagnetic map of northwestern Ontonago County, Michigan 1
Map GP-835 Aeromagnetic map of part of the Challis 1⁰ by 2⁰ quadrangle, Idaho 1
Map GP-837 Aeromagnetic, Bouguer gravity, and generalized geologic maps of the central part of the Little Belt Mountains, Montana 1
Map GP-838 Aeromagnetic map of the Morenci-Monticello area, southeastern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico 1
Map GP-839 Bouguer gravity and generalized geologic map of New England and adjoining areas 1
Map GP-840 Aeromagnetic map of the Ridgway-Pagosa Springs area, southwestern Colorado 1
Map GP-841 Aeromagnetic map of part of the Elk City 1 b̊y 2 q̊uadrangle, Idaho-Montana 1
Map GP-861 Aeromagnetic map of the Carlsbad area, New Mexico and Texas 1
Map GP-867 Aeromagnetic map of the Haddam quadrangle, Middlesex and New Haven Counties, Connecticut 1
Map GP-880 Aeromagnetic map of Colorado 1
Map GP-881 Aeromagnetic and generalized geologic map of the west-central part of the Seward Peninsula, Alaska 1
Map GP-887 Simple Bouguer gravity and aeromagnetic maps of the Davis Valley Quadrangle and part of the Cordiner Peaks Quadrangle and vicinity, Antarctica 1
Map GP-888 Simple Bouguer gravity and aeromagnetic maps of the Saratoga Table Quadrangle, Antarctica 1
Map GP-889 Simple Bouguer gravity and generalized geologic map and aeromagnetic profiles of the Schmidt Hills quadrangle and part of the Gambacorta Peak quadrangle, Antarctica 1
Map GP-891 Aeromagnetic map of Mount Washington and vicinity, New Hampshire and Maine 1
Map GP-892 Aeromagnetic map of the Plymouth-Laconia area, New Hampshire 1
Map GP-893 Geologic interpretation of geophysical maps, central Savannah River area, South Carolina and Georgia 1
Map GP-894 Aeromagnetic map of Michigan and the adjacent Great Lakes 1
Map GP-895 Bouguer gravity map of Colorado 1