Call Number (LC) Title Results
LC 14.23:R 44249/ The European Union : ongoing challenges and future prospects 1
LC 14.23:R 44250/ Social Security and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) provisions in the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 1
LC 14.23:R 44252/ The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and the one-stop delivery system 1
LC 14.23:R 44253/ Federal Advisory Committees : an introduction and overview 1
LC 14.23:R 44254/ Cargo preferences for U.S.-flag shipping 1
LC 14.23:R 44255/ Selected securities legislation in the 114th Congress 1
LC 14.23:R 44256/ Police use of force : rules, remedies, and reforms 1
LC 14.23:R 44257/ U.S.-EU data privacy : from Safe Harbor to Privacy Shield 1
LC 14.23:R 44258/ Native American heritage month : fact sheet 1
LC 14.23:R 44259/ Is violent crime in the United States increasing? 1
LC 14.23:R 44260/ Impeachment and removal 1
LC 14.23:R 44261/ The Native American Housing Assistance and Self-determination Act (NAHASDA) : issues and reauthorization legislation in the 114th Congress 1
LC 14.23:R 44262/ DOE's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) : appropriation status 1
LC 14.23:R 44263/ Veterans Day speech resources : fact sheet 1
LC 14.23:R 44264/ Prescription drug discount coupons and patient assistance programs (PAPs) 1
LC 14.23:R 44265/ EPA's clean power plan : implications for the electric power sector 1
LC 14.23:R 44266/ Effects of Buy America on transportation infrastructure and U.S. manufacturing : policy options 1
LC 14.23:R 44267/ State management of federal lands : frequently asked questions 1
LC 14.23:R 44268/ U.S. Agent Orange/dioxin assistance to Vietnam 1
LC 14.23:R 44269/ Homeland Security investigations, a directorate within the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement: in brief 1