Call Number (LC) Title Results
L 2.3:883 Wartime wages, income, and wage regulation in agriculture 1
L 2.3:884 Injuries and accident causes in the brewing industry, 1944 1
L 2.3:885 Union agreements in the cotton-textile industry 1
L 2.3:886 Wages of office workers in metalworking industries, January 1945 1
L 2.3:887 Employment and earnings in the Philadelphia knitted-outerwear industry, 1944 and 1945 1
L 2.3:888-3 Labor requirements for construction materials 1
L 2.3:892 Employment outlook for business machine servicemen 1
L 2.3:893 State and regional variations in prospective labor supply 1
L 2.3:895 Employment outlook in machine shop occupations 1
L 2.3:896 Nonprofit housing projects in the United States 1
L 2.3:897 Collective bargaining with associations and groups of employers 1
L 2.3:898 Labor in the South 1
L 2.3:900 Union health and welfare plans 1
L 2.3:902 Employment outlook in printing occupations 1
L 2.3:905 Employment outlook in hotel occupations : duties, qualifications, outlook, earnings, working conditions 1
L 2.3:906 Guaranteed wage or employment plans 1
L 2.3:907 Economic analysis of guaranteed wages 1
L 2.3:908 Union-security provisions in collective bargaining 1
L 2.3:908-2 Collective bargaining provisions. Vacations; holidays and week-end work 1
L 2.3:908-3 Collective bargaining provisions. Incentive wage provisions; time studies and standards of production 1