Call Number (LC) Title Results
JuvF C278m La mariquita malhumorada 1
JuvF C278mi The mixed-up chameleon 1
JuvF C278ms Mister Seahorse 1
JuvF C278o Oso pardo, oso pardo, qué ves ahí? 1
JuvF C278p Papa, please get the moon for me 1
JuvF C278s The secret birthday message 1
JuvF C278sc School bell in the valley 1
JuvF C278ss "Slowly, slowly, slowly," said the sloth 1
JuvF C278t Today is Monday 1
JuvF C278v The very hungry caterpillar 1
JuvF C278ve The very busy spider 1
JuvF C278ver The very quiet cricket 1
JuvF C278vl The very lonely firefly 1
JuvF C278w Where are you going? To see my friend! 1
JuvF C282m Mama & Papa have a store 1
JuvF C284a Ann Aurelia and Dorothy 1
JuvF C284b A brother for the orphelines 1
JuvF C284e The empty schoolhouse 1
JuvF C284f The family under the bridge 1
JuvF C284j Jesse Bear, what will you wear? 1