Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 19.3:1787-M The Frontier Formation and associated rocks of northeastern Utah and northwestern Colorado 2
I 19.3:1787-N Sedimentology, mineralogy, palynology, and depositional history of some uppermost Cretaceous and lowermost Tertiary rocks along the Utah Book and Roan Cliffs east of the Green River 2
I 19.3:1787-O Geology of the lower Yellow Creek area, northwestern Colorado 2
I 19.3:1787-P Middle Cretaceous stratigraphy on the south and east sides of the Uinta Basin, northeastern Utah and northwestern Colorado 2
I 19.3:1787-Q Cretaceous and Tertiary paleogeographic reconstructions for the Uinta-Piceance basin study area, Colorado and Utah 2
I 19.3:1787-R Geology of the central Roan Plateau area, northwestern Colorado 2
I 19.3:1787-S,T Petrology and depositional setting of Mississippian rocks associated with an anoxic events at Samak, western Uinta Mountains, Utah. Petrology and significance of a Mississippian (Osagean-Meramecian) anoxic event, Lakeside Mountains, northwestern Utah
Petrology and depositional setting of Mississippian rocks associated with an anoxic event at Samak, western Uinta Mountains, Utah ; Petrology and significance of a Mississippian (Osagean-Meramecian) anoxic event, Lakeside Mountains, northwestern Utah
I 19.3:1787-U Precambrian to earliest Mississippian stratigraphy, geologic history, and paleogeography of northwestern Colorado and west-central Colorado : a multidisciplinary approach to research studies of sedimentary rocks and their constituents and the evolution of sedimentary basins, both ancient and modern
Precambrian to earliest Mississippian stratigraphy, geologic history, and paleogeography of northwestern Colorado and west-central Colorado
I 19.3:1787-V Late Paleozoic structure of the southern part of the Uinta Basin, Utah, from seismic reflection data 2
I 19.3:1787-W Sedimentology and depositional history of the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation in the Uinta, Piceance, and Eagle basins, northwestern Colorado and northeastern Utah 2
I 19.3:1787-X Ground-water chemistry and diagenetic reactions in Tertiary sandstones of the Green River and Wasatch formations, Uinta Basin, Utah
Ground-water chemistry and diagenetic reactions in Tertiary sandstones of the Green River and Wasatch Formations, Uinta Basin, Utah
I 19.3:1787-Y Structural control on distribution of sedimentary facies in the Pennsylvanian Minturn Formation of north-central Colorado 2
I 19.3:1787-Z Fracture history of the Divide Creek and Wolf Creek anticlines and its relation to Laramide basin-margin tectonism, southern Piceance basin, northwestern Colorado 2
I 19.3:1788 The Upper Cretaceous ammonite Watinoceras Warren in the western interior of the United States 1
I 19.3:1789 Geology and ground-water hydrology of Spirit Lake blockage, Mount St. Helens, Washington, with implications for lake retention 2
I 19.3:1790 Geologic and hydrologic investigations of a potential nuclear waste disposal site at Yucca Mountain, southern Nevada 2
I 19.3:1791 Geology and mineral deposits of the Miners Gulch Area, Granite County, Montana 2
I 19.3:1792 Conceptual design for the National Water Information System 2
I 19.3:1793 The response of vegetation to disturbance in Death Valley National Monument, California 2
I 19.3:1794 Anhydrite deposits of the United States and characteristics of anhydrite important for storage of radioactive wastes 2