Call Number (LC) Title Results
HE 1.1002:P 96/2 Project Puente database on Hispanic elected and appointed officials 1
HE 1.1002:P 96/2/DISS. Project Puente dissemination overview 1
HE 1.1002:P 96/2/EXEC.SUM. Project Puente executive summary 1
HE 1.1002:P 96/2/FINAL Project Puente final report 1
HE 1.1002:P 96/2/PRO. Project Puente project briefs 1
HE 1.1002:P 96/4 Legal issues in public/private partnerships a technical brief for the aging network 1
HE 1.1002:Q 2 Design and implementation of a quality assurance model for in-home services 1
HE 1.1002:Q 2/2 A model development for a quality assurance system for in-home supportive services final report 1
HE 1.1002:Q 2/3 Designing a process for quality improvement applying private industry principles of quality to in-home services for older persons, March 1990 to July 1991 final report 1
HE 1.1002:R 24 Improving the recruitment and retention of older volunteers 1
HE 1.1002:R 31 A registry of resources pertaining to legal services 1
HE 1.1002:R 31/2 A registry of resources pertaining to outreach 1
HE 1.1002:R 31/3 A registry of resources pertaining to targeting 1
HE 1.1002:R 31/4 Registry of resources pertaining to housing 1
HE 1.1002:R 31/5 Registry of resources pertaining to mental health 1
HE 1.1002:R 31/6 The National Aging Resource Center on Elder Abuse (NARCEA) final report 1
HE 1.1002:R 31/7 The National Resource Center on Health Promotion and Aging final report 1
HE 1.1002:R 31/8 Older Americans Act, eldercare volunteer corps [microform] : Respite Volunteer Home Visitor Program 1
HE 1.1002:R 31/9/2001 Resource directory for older people 1
HE 1.1002:R 31/10 Baby boomer retirement planning whose responsibility? 1